I was briefly expelled from my 6th form for removing my blazer, tie and wearing gloves & trainers to cycle 6 miles home.
Apparently you represent the school until the moment you get home. Well, I didn't get expelled for that; it was my reaction to the eye bulging spit fuelled tirade of a power-trip from my polite reasoning for changing for my journey home. I told him where he can shove it and shut down any further retort and told him to walk away before anyone else sees the ridiculousness of his actions.
The next day (the incident happend about 3pm) we had a stamped and franked letter stating I was expelled. Atr the time my dad was a lecturter at a local college, teaching high school reject thugs who threatened him on a daily basis (with a 100% pass rate). He promptly phoned him up, put his posh little 6th form teaching into perspective and I was alloweed back in. I did however have to apologise, and in this conversation he admitted to me he was allergic to toothpaste. Weird, but I never got the chance to test that theory.
On my last day I rode my motorbike through the hallways past his office. I hated that place. Never agreed with uniform especially when you're 16+, should have gone to regular college and done something more focussed but my dad wanted me to go there so I did my best to get in.