Stupid school rules/things you got told off for at school

I don't recall getting told off for anything. I was a bit of a nerdy swot. The only detention I had was a whole class detention for other people being noisy. That angered me a lot as I hadn't been disruptive and was being punished for other people's actions. The only thing that achieved was to lose respect for a lazy teacher who couldn't control the class and punished me for their incompetence as it was easier for them.

This was back in the 80's when caning was still a thing (boys got the cane and girls got the slipper).
I had a similar thing at college of all places. I remember it was the first time I ever lost my rag. The teacher said I should have just took the punishment.
I got a bit of telling off when I presented my thoughts on Macbeth in second year high school much to my dad's dismay and annoyance because he'd written those thoughts and they were bobbins, apparently :D
I was briefly expelled from my 6th form for removing my blazer, tie and wearing gloves & trainers to cycle 6 miles home.

Apparently you represent the school until the moment you get home. Well, I didn't get expelled for that; it was my reaction to the eye bulging spit fuelled tirade of a power-trip from my polite reasoning for changing for my journey home. I told him where he can shove it and shut down any further retort and told him to walk away before anyone else sees the ridiculousness of his actions.

The next day (the incident happend about 3pm) we had a stamped and franked letter stating I was expelled. Atr the time my dad was a lecturter at a local college, teaching high school reject thugs who threatened him on a daily basis (with a 100% pass rate). He promptly phoned him up, put his posh little 6th form teaching into perspective and I was alloweed back in. I did however have to apologise, and in this conversation he admitted to me he was allergic to toothpaste. Weird, but I never got the chance to test that theory.

On my last day I rode my motorbike through the hallways past his office. I hated that place. Never agreed with uniform especially when you're 16+, should have gone to regular college and done something more focussed but my dad wanted me to go there so I did my best to get in.
I got the slipper when I was probably about 9 years old, because I told one of the bad kids to kick a nasty lunch monitor lady and he went over and did it! :(
Secondary school, Art class, summer (ish) 1991.
Art teacher (total hippy chick type - really lovely generally and pretty hot) used to play velvet underground or the doors or janis joplin on her tape player during our classes.
Me maybe being a little bit try-harding asked if she liked Jimi Hendrix to which another kid responded with "that (the N word) ? Which resulted in me getting sent out of class. To this day it still baffles me.....
I was told off for no end of things at school, probably as I was intelligent and bored (recent Autism diagnosis and pending ADHD assessment).

Some of them isolated me at school. I was blamed for things I didn't even do (year 3&4 1995-1997). Looing back this was quite damaging and had a long term effect.
I never have and never will think much of teachers. Very few were good. The vast majority had never worked in the real world.
Got plenty of scoldings, Saturday detentions and the like, but all were well justified...

We were a bunch of ***** back then, with everything from refusing homework, talking back, throwing stuff out of windows, damaging property, selling porn and cigarettes, fighting all over the place. Some even brought weapons into school on the odd occasion.
The worst I got was for kicking a kid's head in so badly that the Police got involved, but since the whole year basically stood up and pointed out that he'd been winding me up for two years, he got the same detentions that I did! :D
Like @thegreysquirrel I also got ridiculed by my year 6 teacher for my art being rubbish plus why I can’t ride a bike, as my class and the other year 6 class had to do
The Cycle Proficiency test. Glad that we didn’t have swimming lessons forced on me as I can’t swim either.

The following year I was diagnosed with dyspraxia and aged 16, on the final day for school to submit which students get extra time for GCSEs, dyslexia.
We had drama lessons in year 7 I think and we had been given the task of miming a country and everyone had to guess correctly. I got given Germany and I guess you can gather what I did.

Got sent straight to the headmaster's office and was accused of being anti-semitic. Although it wasn't quite worded like that.

Perhaps I was a bit naive being 11 years old but to be fair everyone guessed my country easily so it worked in what I was tasked out to accomplish.

My Grandfather who was a WW2 vet himself found it funny when he came to pick me up that day.
We were banned from making kung fu type metal throwing stars in metal work and chucking them at the woodern clad classroom, damn health and safety pft
I got suspended, twice... once for not turning up to sports day, which was on a Saturday. I was supposed to be running in one race and it was 5 miles away. I had no money for the bus as I had neglected to tell my Mum, who went out for the day leaving me at home alone. I could have walked, or I could have asked for money from one of my relatives, but really couldn't be arsed. I think I'd have probably got away with it, but there were another 3 or 4 no shows so I think they decided to make an example of us. Had us up in front of the school at assembly for the *******ing too.

I also got suspended for skiving. Which was fine by me.
My FE course had a 1.5 hour lessons for GCSE maths and English for those who didn’t get C or better. Though the criteria to apply for the course was 5 GCSE. I got Cs in both English and Maths. Out of the 25 students, iI was the only one with Cs or better for both. Some got B in one and D in the other. So I missed them. My parents got phone calls from college asking where I was. I was 18 years old at the time and the college shouldn’t be contacting my parents like that. I had a stern word with the head of the department NOT to ring my parents ever again.

These Maths and English lessons were the only things timetabled for that day. There was a college bus in the morning and return was 5:15pm. Or I could go home before, but that required two buses, into town and back home.
in Nottingham we called ears tabs.
in Newcastle Upon Tyne some people call ciggys tabs or used to (it's snouts now)

well we had a Geordie teacher who seemed unable to adapt to the change and always went off on a rant any time anyone used the word. just because she couldn't adapt to the change in meaning... proper rants bro
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