At primary school I was bullied a lot by this one person, no idea why even now.
During the summer months we weren't allowed indoors during breaks and lunches so that meant also eating your lunch at the picnic tables in the playground.
On one particular day the guy that bullied me relentlessly grabbed my lunchbox, and threw everything on the floor and stamped on it and then tipped my drink out as well. One of the dinner ladies saw it happen and took me inside to get something from the kitchens so I wouldn't go without any lunch, she then reported it to the guys teacher.
Rather than speaking to the guy that did it and punishing him, the teacher decided that nobody would do what he did for no reason and that I must have provoked him.
One of the rules we had at the school was that all pupils "must tell the *insert school name* truth". In principal this rule is a great rule for a primary school as it is designed to discourage lying. In practice, it just ends up being that regardless of what the truth actually is if it doesn't match what a teacher feels is the truth then you must be lying.
I refused to say that I had provoke the guy, as I hadn't, I had just sat down less than a minute beforehand, dinner lady also said the same and also pointed out that I was constantly getting hassle from this guy but it just fell on deaf ears and the teacher said he would keep me back after school until I told the truth.
Turns out that the teacher didn't let my parents know that I was being kept back after school, possibly because he thought I would cave to his warped version of events. School day finished at 3pm and I would usually walk home in my own (Year 5 and only a 10 minute walk home).
By half 3 when I hadn't turned up at home my Dad came out looking for me, and when he got to the school saw me sat in the classroom with this teacher still trying to convince me to tell the truth. Dad barges into the classroom and blows his stack at the teacher asking him what the hell he was playing at keeping me back after school especially after not informing my parents that it was happening, teacher tells him it's because I'm refusing to tell the truth. So my Dad asked me to explain what had happened, as soon as I started talking the teacher kept trying to cut me off and then got really arsey with my Dad when he told him to shut the **** up as he was already in enough trouble as it was.
Anyway my Dad took me home and asked which dinner lady it was that helped so told him, this dinner lady lived 5 doors up from us and also worked with my Dad for her other job.
Dad goes up to her house and speaks to her about it and between them they go to the head and the board of governors over the way I was treated. The rest of that year a supply teacher took over and it was announced at the end of the year that the teacher in question would not be returning to teach at the school. There was also a shake up of the rules the following year with the truth rule removed completely as the governor's felt it was too open for abuse.
TL;DR I get bullied and have lunch destroyed, teacher assumes I must have provoked and invokes school rule about always telling the "truth" even with witnesses co firming my story. Teacher keeps me back after school as I wouldn't back down. Teacher ultimately gets sacked.