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Stuttering in games

30 Jan 2003
I get gfx stuttering in games. Its like every second there's a small delay. Ive eliminated everything I can think of, e.g. data execution prevention, drivers, background processes, taskbar, vsync on/off, running CPU at default, unplugging USB, but it still persists. Had the same with my old 6800 AGP card on this board too.
Try updating BIOS to latest version.

Also check your temperatures.

What Power supply have you got?

There is an official thread for that board. Have you searched it for similar issues?
is it all games ?
i get that in nfs most wanted, apparently it's just bad programming/coding or whatever it is
battlefield 2, cod2 etc all run fine
I had it when I changed drivers without doing a complete driver clean first.
You would think they could have sorted that out by now, they Know what needs to be removed as they made the damn thing.
I've got the exact same problem I think. I might be getting 70+ frames/second, but every second or so there is a little 'hitch'. It's like the graphics card doesn't show one frame and then goes on with the next one. I notice it most in cut scenes in games; I don't notice it at all when I'm actually playing. I tried mucking about with a setting in the nvidia control panel called 'max frames to render ahead' (I think), but that made no difference.

Any other ideas? Hedgey - I'm wondering whether it might be anything to do with the ASRock mobo.

That's a thought. I'm reluctant to upgrade my memory as I currently have it running at 1T in dual channel, which others have struggled to manage. Might be worth a try though.

I had terrible stuttering with my intel system when it was running at 1t - just thought it was working okay because it was prime stable and i got good scores on superpi. Changing to 2t fixed the problem, but also it does sound like a memory problem which could be fixed by using 2gb.
I had a problem with stuttering in games. A-64 3700+, 2GB DDR400 and a X800XT. I turned fast rights off and put the Aperature Size to 256mb and it fixed it :)

Thx RaZ. Don't think thee settings affect AGP though, or do they?

Interestingly, I just tried running my PC through my Dell 2405, and the stuttering was much less (almost gone). I can't see how changing the monitor would affect anything, though. I'm connected to the Dell via VGAQ, whereas I connect to my 20" Iiyama tft screen (with which I get stuttering) using the DVI.

Fast writes can cause this.

What graphics card do you have? I know there was a lot of trouble with e.g. 6800GT cards throttling back when overclocked too far which caused stuttery graphics performance.

I occasionally get stuttering in some games when playing at 1600x1200 with high textures. It's not a lack of memory because it even occurs in older games like NOLF2 which doesn't use anywhere near 1gig of RAM. My guess is that it is occurring in cases where the onboard texture memory is exhausted and it starts using the AGP/PCI-E bus to transfer textures to system memory. It's wierd because my average framerate remains very high, but it's jerky as hell in places... e.g. just standing fairly still can see the fps fluctuate between 70 and 110fps according to FRAPS, yet it feels much worse.
It sounds to me that what your stuttering is is a V-sync problem. Try turning V-sync on and see if you have the same problem. I used to think Cs:S stuttered, but then I found that it was just the Frame-rate going WAY about the refresh rate :)

HangTime said:
Fast writes can cause this.

What graphics card do you have? I know there was a lot of trouble with e.g. 6800GT cards throttling back when overclocked too far which caused stuttery graphics performance.

I occasionally get stuttering in some games when playing at 1600x1200 with high textures. It's not a lack of memory because it even occurs in older games like NOLF2 which doesn't use anywhere near 1gig of RAM. My guess is that it is occurring in cases where the onboard texture memory is exhausted and it starts using the AGP/PCI-E bus to transfer textures to system memory. It's wierd because my average framerate remains very high, but it's jerky as hell in places... e.g. just standing fairly still can see the fps fluctuate between 70 and 110fps according to FRAPS, yet it feels much worse.

This man speaketh the troof! :]

I had a problem very similiar to this the machine was reporting high fps but it was stuttering, try and run a bink video if you have any if thats stutters then you have the same issue as me.

I solved it by shutting the machine down, and the turning the electricity of at the mains socket as well left it for a few minutes turned it back on and I was away again, no idea what caused it mind.
I think i may know what it is as i had this exact problem with certain games.

Can those who experience stutter do you all use the onboard sound or a seperate sound card?
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