
Been watching it weekly to fill my Billions itch, it's been ok so far but it's lacking something to make it really good unless it picks up from episode 5+
Just finished season 2, very solid and a good watch. Would definitely recommend it as a filler before other series like Ray Donovan or Billions etc is back.
How is this show not getting more love here? Iv just binge watched the 2 seasons and its incredible TV. No doubt the best currently available, the calibre of the scripts and acting is unreal. BUT it's definitely a 'get to episode 6' type of HBO show, but it ramps up hard from then on.

Seems they are now back to filming season 3 post-covid issues for a fall release with Adrien Brody joining the cast and can't wait!
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Best thing I have seen for ages, I love Billions but this beats the absolute living crap out of it. Everyone single one of them (The Roy's) is a total ****, yet they're all so compelling to watch it doesn't matter. It lacks in suspense a little, but the script and the acting is 10/10. Special mention to Keiran Culkin as Roman as well as being a complete **** he's also very funny, and brings some levity. Can't wait for S3 it looks like maybe bext year as they're not shooting until Nov apparently.

It was written by Jessie Armstong of Peep Show fame, and there's a few ref's in there, such as the production company (I think) seen in the closing titles is Project Zeus, with an image of Zeus with lightning in hand, and one carachter who appears for seconds is named Stefan Strauss.

Do yourself a favour and watch this.
Yeah, I wrote about it in another thread.

The problem I have with it is the cast, and the dialogue. Not a single like-able (partly on purpose for many of them) or worth while character. Characters that seem to have an IQ and sensibilities lower than that of teenagers. There's no depth to any of them, and their motivations are superficial. The whole 'daddy was mean to me' thing doesn't work well IMO.

Don't get me wrong it is still a good show, I find that the overall story is let down by both the acting and some of dialogue.

Season 2 did start to get much better towards the end. If season 3 improves on that, which it looks like it will, then I'll be happy. I just think the show could have been much more. Someone in the thread mentioned Billion's. Look at the depth and richness of the characters in that, and quality of dialogue, compared to Succession.
Great start to season 3, though it was hard not to be after the season 2 ending. The show is definitely getting better as it goes on. Still a few issues with the characters though in terms of diversity (speech and mannerisms not race).
Good start to the season, seeing how awkward Kendall was making it between his new gf and his ex wife was cringe inducing.
only just gotten into this!

Really enjoying it so far (blasted s1 in a day and a bit).

Onto ep 5 of season 2 and still finding the going good.
Ok , so i've seen the first two episodes of season one and may be its not for me. I get the entire roman empire up for grabs environment , but nothing stands out to me personally.... cast looks great.. Does this get any better ?
Watched five episodes now and really cant see what the fuss is about. Just not grabbing me. I had to force myself to get to 5 episodes. Does it get any better?
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