Successive cashback deals

28 Dec 2003
I'm currently coming to the end of a cashback deal with OSPS on the Vodafone network and am looking around for another good deal.

If I were to try for another cashback deal with OSPS, would they tell me to shove it, or would I get away with it? Would it have any bearing whether the network was Vodafone again or not? Presumably if it was Vodafone again I'd need to cancel my existing contract first as I doubt they'd let me have two contracts at once.
Vertigo1 said:
I'm currently coming to the end of a cashback deal with OSPS on the Vodafone network and am looking around for another good deal.

If I were to try for another cashback deal with OSPS, would they tell me to shove it, or would I get away with it? Would it have any bearing whether the network was Vodafone again or not? Presumably if it was Vodafone again I'd need to cancel my existing contract first as I doubt they'd let me have two contracts at once.
1. OSPS would not care whether you've already used a cashback offer from them or not. As long as you have the credit clearance for a new contract, you'll be able to take advantage of any cashback contract deals you want from OSPS just like everybody else.

2. If you want to stay on Vodafone, you'd probably have to use another shop with a different billing provider. You can't port your same number from Vodafone to Vodafone when the billing provider is the same (which is the case when both contracts are Vodafone from OSPS), so either move your contract to Vodafone Retail (but I don't think they do cashback deals) or change networks. PS. As far as I remember, OSPS and e2save are both under the CPW group, so I think they all use the same billing provider for Vodafone (90% sure for OSPS, definitely for e2save)

3. If your credit rating is good enough, they don't care how many lines you have at one given time, but if you wanted to carry the same number through to your new contract then you'll have to wait until you are able to get a PAC code from your existing contract, which is only possible within the last 30 days of your contract. If you don't mind changing your number, you can always see whether they will given you a second line - you wouldn't have to wait until your last contract is over.

4. Finally, it's worth ringing up customer retention and seeing what sort of upgrade deals they are willing to offer - some upgrade deals are actually better than new customer offers, if they consider you important enough as a customer. If they don't offer anything compelling, you can just move network and take advantage of a new customer offer as you would have done.
Cheers for the info, very useful.

It's not desperately important that I keep my number but it would be handy. Basically I'm not going to let that stand in the way of a good deal.

I did think about calling Voda and seeing what they'd offer me to stay but frankly I can't see them offering me anything. I've been on a cashback deal which, once I get my final payment in a month or so, will have worked out at free over the past 12 months, so Voda will have made nothing out of me. I can't really see that they'd value my custom at all.

Noticed some good deals from Cool New Mobile lately, who I've not heard of before. Anyone got any experience of them?
Vertigo1 said:
I did think about calling Voda and seeing what they'd offer me to stay but frankly I can't see them offering me anything. I've been on a cashback deal which, once I get my final payment in a month or so, will have worked out at free over the past 12 months, so Voda will have made nothing out of me. I can't really see that they'd value my custom at all.

The cash back deal has got nothing to do with Voda, its the shop you got the phone from that dus that.
Spamalot said:
The cash back deal has got nothing to do with Voda, its the shop you got the phone from that dus that.
Vodafone online offer some cashback deals but not as good as most shops looking at it. Just depends where he got the deal from.
Haly said:
Vodafone online offer some cashback deals but not as good as most shops looking at it. Just depends where he got the deal from.
OSPS. 200 xnet mins per month plus 250 free texts per month for first 6 months, £30 per month contract with £240 cashback in 3 instalments making a total effective outlay over the year of £120. Came with a free K750i which I sold for £150 so it's cost me -£30 all in :D
Vertigo1 said:
OSPS. 200 xnet mins per month plus 250 free texts per month for first 6 months, £30 per month contract with £240 cashback in 3 instalments making a total effective outlay over the year of £120. Came with a free K750i which I sold for £150 so it's cost me -£30 all in :D
Nice deal :) Stick with them then and get a new deal off em.
I know I've been keeping an eye on their deals because I'll be getting a new contract in July.
Haly said:
Nice deal :) Stick with them then and get a new deal off em.
I know I've been keeping an eye on their deals because I'll be getting a new contract in July.

Would you not get a better staff deal from CPW?
Very tempted by one of the Cool New Mobile offers atm. Orange OVP O2 200 at £30 per month with 100% cashback over 12 months and a free 6230i.

Just not heard anything about this bunch before which is all that's putting me off at present.
Vertigo1 said:
OSPS. 200 xnet mins per month plus 250 free texts per month for first 6 months, £30 per month contract with £240 cashback in 3 instalments making a total effective outlay over the year of £120. Came with a free K750i which I sold for £150 so it's cost me -£30 all in :D

Do you want me to find you the best cash back deal? Do you want to sell the phone again or keep it, if keep it then what are you after? If your goin to sell it then I will just get you the most expensive phone I can on ebay. How many mins you use/want?
Spamalot said:
Would you not get a better staff deal from CPW?
OSPS is a division of CPW :p
Plus I get half price line rental with almost all of the networks regardless of what offer I sign up to. :)
Vertigo1 said:
Very tempted by one of the Cool New Mobile offers atm. Orange OVP O2 200 at £30 per month with 100% cashback over 12 months and a free 6230i.

Just not heard anything about this bunch before which is all that's putting me off at present.

If I was you I would try and stick to the main CPW group, ie. OSPS or e2save.
Haly said:
OSPS is a division of CPW :p
Plus I get half price line rental with almost all of the networks regardless of what offer I sign up to. :)

I am aware of that, just though you would have to get the phone from the store thats all, and a hand set through CPW billing. So if you got a £30 p/m contract with £30 cash back then you would only pay £15 p/m and then you would get the £30 back, thats a deal and a half!
Spamalot said:
I am aware of that, just though you would have to get the phone from the store thats all, and a hand set through CPW billing. So if you got a £30 p/m contract with £30 cash back then you would only pay £15 p/m and then you would get the £30 back, thats a deal and a half!
Nope, just have to phone up the network and give them some details and I get the half price line rental anyway.
No idea if cashback deals work though, not tried yet, not got my hopes up because it seems too good to be true. But I'll find out in a few weeks time.
Also get insurance at an incredibly low rate, and I'm able to change contracts every 3 months (or 6 months on an 18 month contract) for free.
Spamalot said:
Change with a new phone or just tariff?

Any job going in swansea CPW atm?
New phone and new tariff. Brand new contract basically. :)

Nope, no jobs about, although I would have thought there will be later in the year. On their site is your best bet for looking as it's where you can apply etc, I applied through there. :)
Haly said:
New phone and new tariff. Brand new contract basically. :)

Nope, no jobs about, although I would have thought there will be later in the year. On their site is your best bet for looking as it's where you can apply etc, I applied through there. :)

How longs it take from start to finsh to apply, do they do jobs for students? ie. Job in cambridge half the year and job in swansea half the year?

Add em to msn if you would to talk about this, would be great- eddielatham (at)
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Spamalot said:
How longs it take from start to finsh to apply, do they do jobs for students? ie. Job in cambridge half the year and job in swansea half the year?

Add em to msn if you would to talk about this, would be great- eddielatham (at)
I applied start of November, they emailed me mid November to say they'd offer me an interview. Had a phone interview at the start of December, then had a proper interview mid December, got offered the job 2 days later, then started the week after on the 20th December, they originally wanted me to start the weekend before that but I couldn't do it.
I'll add you to msn later, just getting some work done. Can email me too if you want.
No idea about student jobs though sorry :/
Haly said:
Nope, just have to phone up the network and give them some details and I get the half price line rental anyway.
No idea if cashback deals work though, not tried yet, not got my hopes up because it seems too good to be true. But I'll find out in a few weeks time

if you get the half price line rental, will that mess with the cash back if you send them the bill? I'm thinking of doing something similar to this, but with vodafone on a black 8800.
Kappa said:
if you get the half price line rental, will that mess with the cash back if you send them the bill? I'm thinking of doing something similar to this, but with vodafone on a black 8800.
I honestly don't know. I'm waiting for my 4th bill to arrive about now and then sending it off to see what happens. I doubt I'll be that lucky because it'd work out a silly amount that I'd be paying per month.
The half price line rental that I'm getting because of work is for a year, and then I have to re-apply so works out a decent deal anyhow.
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