Sui Generis RPG - kickstarter

12 days left and they still need ~100k :(

I even upped my pledge from £20 to £100. But it would be a real shame if they don't get the backing.
Same here. This looks to be something special and totally refreshing from the norm.

Same, and I agree... but I wonder if it being away from the norm is the reason it didn't get backed as much as I thought it would. Shame though, I hope they make the 100k but I just can't see it :(
Same, and I agree... but I wonder if it being away from the norm is the reason it didn't get backed as much as I thought it would. Shame though, I hope they make the 100k but I just can't see it :(

Quite possibly, and if that's the case, I find it both surprising and a pity.

I think, though, that even if they don't reach their target, this project won't be dead and buried.
Bare Mettle have said on one of their tweets

We'll continue making the game regardless, there are other options. For now we are concentrating on making this campaign a success.

It is such a shame it is not really getting many pledges :( if they don't I will be keeping an eye on their website I guess to see what happens.
My hopes of this getting backed are fading, I really don't get why it's not being backed as it looks like a breath of fresh air to the genre.
I love the way it looks but I am not so sure about the combat. The combat looks very loose to me. I hope they make their target anyway, would be great to try something a little different.
5 days left to go with the project still needing ~60k left to raise :(

I really can't understand why this hasn't got more funding.
I wouldn't worry too much, they've said they'll carry on with the project. I couldn't see something like that disappearing from view anyway. :)
Yea that's true just a shame is all. I wonder what their plan is if the kickstarter project does not get the funding. They did say they would tell if they don't get the funding. Still..... I upped my pledge to £150 :p I liked the idea of designing an in game weapon :)
This looks really interesting but sadly the combat just looks SO LAME

the effects are impressive, the whole damn thing is impressive considering he's done it all himself.
Just looks like a drunk guy chucking a sword around to me, doesnt look combatitve at all....

Will see about donating when i get home :)
I'm sick to the back teeth with 3rd person. Only the Elder Scrolls series is First person, do they have a patent or something? It's so much more immersive when it's FP.
This looks really interesting but sadly the combat just looks SO LAME

the effects are impressive, the whole damn thing is impressive considering he's done it all himself.
Just looks like a drunk guy chucking a sword around to me, doesnt look combatitve at all....

Will see about donating when i get home :)

Do you think you would be a nimble speedy ninja in full plate?
I thought the combat looked quite interesting!

Keep in mind that the current combat animations are place-holders, done by one of the guys currently on the project who is a programmer but not an animator, and that they will be hiring an actual animator to do them properly.
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