Sui Generis RPG - kickstarter

This looks really interesting but sadly the combat just looks SO LAME

the effects are impressive, the whole damn thing is impressive considering he's done it all himself.
Just looks like a drunk guy chucking a sword around to me, doesnt look combatitve at all....

Will see about donating when i get home :)
They've commented about that, saying that its because the programmer did the animations. Getting a pro animator in is one of ther first tasks.
Looks quite cool but i dont play rpgs really anymore. 10 years ago id be all over this and be pledging. I wish them luck as i am loving the unscripted fighting in it.
Argh, gutted I didn't see this earlier, I've just ordered a new bank card so I have no way of paying for this before the kickstarter ends. Would definitely pledge £20 though if I had the option, this looks amazing, the combat looks a little drunken but it doesn't matter, the sheer dynamicism of it makes it difficult and different every time. I'll happily accept a bit of drunken movement if it means I actually have to think and work to win fights.

Looking at this makes other open world RPG's seem like tripe. I tried to play skyrim in a similar manner to this, wielding a sword and shield and trying to make combat seem fluid and dynamic, using the environment to my advantage, etc., but it just doesn't work, the enemies are always stunned when you block their attack, each attack always does a pre-determined amount of damage regardless of how well your sword connects, and you get stuck in a rut of the most efficient system of attack, which you end up using on every enemy you face, and none of them ever feel different. I'm looking forward to having to weigh up my chances that I can pull off a perfect parry with one sword and a solid smash to knock my opponent off their feet, or whether it'll end up with my face caved in by a morningstar.

As long as they can get the balance just right between true freedom (and the lack of pre-scripted events), while still having things to do, they can have my money! :D
Well, didn't think it would be possible but 18 hours left and 17k to raise so it's still in with a shout thankfully :)
15k in 17 hours

I was thinking Ultima 7 & Serpent Isle would look stunning with this engine really wish they would redo them with gfx like this.
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