Sunday Slither Session

This is my personal best before I got too greedy

Trying to play on a galaxy a5 and not sure if the game is laggy or the device.

It's crack level addictive though
Some of you guys are just insane.

It gets so, so much more fun when you get to a decent size.



When I start out I like to follow the biggest snakes and if possible, go head on, with them as I can win a good % of the time, have nothing to lose and if I win grow very big very fast.

Then as you get to several thousand points you can start circling them :D
Either my laptop is crap or the lag on this is just ridiculous. My game becomes really jerky once more than a few players are on screen at once.
anyone noticed odd behaviour recently? worms that don't die when they hit you but you go right through you, but if you hit them you die. Worms that seem to have constant fast movement and never stop?
Well a few times I've joined a server where I'm clearly the only human and all the other worms are bots. That's a bit odd, and annoying because it's harder to grow.
Personal best for me (playing on Android too)

I was coiling around a ~5k point player then realised I had a 50k pointer doing to same to me

Think I've seen two OCUK members on there today too, there was a Scania on the leader board for one game and I crashed into a LiE on another around 5pm roughly
I can't seem to improve on my score, it's gotten much harder as there seems to be a lot more people on a map now.
I've only got above 55k once since posting the 80k score, the first 10k is easy, usually get up to about 25k then it starts getting hard as all the snakes trying to fight are tiny and it's not worth coiling them.
The lag is terrible sometimes.
Seems worse when there's a few big n's around.

I got 50Mb internets and an i7 2600k with a GTX 660.
Seems odd that I can play cod zombies lag and stutter free and not this.
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