Sunday Slither Session

New PB. Got greedy. Made a mistake. Got angry.

Christ that would have been a large snake! Don't suppose you have a screengrab?

My snake never gets enormous, but I like to be (perhaps overly) aggressive against others nearby.
I didn't think to take one until i died. I'll try and remember the next time to press print screen every so often.

I've found that getting to a decent size of say 5-10k by whatever means necessary then patrolling the fringes along the top of the map seems to work out well. I sort just meander back and forth up there until i see a likely group to go in and start circling. When you get big enough you can eventually take such a wide berth so they don't even see you on their screen until its too late. Play it enough (too much in my case) and most of their movements become predictable.

I do sort of cheat a little, i'm using a greasemonkey script that lets you zoom out more than normal so you get a better view of what's going on around you. It does a few other things like let you join servers with friends, change the graphics a bit etc but nothing else that affects the gameplay other than the zoom that i can see. This one
The zoom function would be a huge advantage! Still, a lot of patience would have been necessary to get to the point of death.
I do sort of cheat a little, i'm using a greasemonkey script that lets you zoom out more than normal so you get a better view of what's going on around you. It does a few other things like let you join servers with friends, change the graphics a bit etc but nothing else that affects the gameplay other than the zoom that i can see. This one

The game is starting to get ruined by bots now.

How is that ironic? Using an addon that lets you zoom out more isn't remotely comparable to it being full of bots that are only there to advertise websites.
How is that ironic? Using an addon that lets you zoom out more isn't remotely comparable to it being full of bots that are only there to advertise websites.

hacking the game to get an unfair advantage is ruining the game for others. much like the bots are ruining it for you.
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