Sunless sea

I wish Steam offered a one hour trial of stuff, £12 down the drain but from what I read I really expected me to enjoy it.
I too would like to hear, this appears to be a relaxing jaunt of a game with a great art style and interesting story. I watched the WTF video from Mr Biscuit and it seems 'nice', for the price.
Bought this earlier today and really love it so far - fantastic style and a wonderfully relaxed pace.

My only gripe (if I were to have one) would be the overview map - having seen the work that has gone into the art of the game locations the overview map just seems......bland.

Other than that - great game & fantastic writing.

One question (for those who have played this more) - what is the benefit of having the light on - it seems to add nothing to the navigation or populating the map (although that could just be me!) but it burns fuel so much more quickly....
light reduces the rate terror increases by 50% I believe the number is.
but it makes you more visible to pirates and creatures

if you have the lights on the enemy icon turns to a ! I believe and they start heading your way until you turn them off
I picked this up on Sat and I think it's got a lot of promise however... it is soo frustrating. I was ready to die multiple times, as per many reviews, but I hadn't considered that each time I would have to re-do all the visits, quests and journeys that I had done before. After my nth death I decided to turn on the manual saves and try to make it past 30 minutes before I died, which was a good idea for me as I was ready to abandon it :/

Progress is slow but I'm not too worried as long as I can keep my head above water, so to speak, and keep the Echos coming in faster than I need to spend them.

Any early game tips would be most welcome!
It is frustrating, but that's what gives you the sense of achievement when you get further with your next captain.

Game appears to have much more content since I last played it. Enjoying it so far.
Bought it last night on steam after seeing some gameplay videos. Looks really interesting and I love the art style but not had a chance to play it yet.
What didn't you like about it?

I don't like how so much in unexplained. I do not require hand holding but when I see in my journal: Misc - Almost Safe (1) with absolutely no other information it's rather frustrating, I don't wan't to use a wiki to find things out.
Also the UI, for Example I click on "London" see the "Visit the Admiralty's Survey Office" icon, I click it and I'm then taken to another page that says the exact same thing. Then I click continue to get somewhere. That's a minor annoyance but still bugs me.
I find the whole replace 'S' with 'Z' rather tedious too "Zee Captain, setting Zail etc". I guess this might be because I'm not used to the lore of this thing but it's a factor for me.
I do like the general atmosphere and Z bits aside I love the writing. I'm playing it now to make sure it's not one of those that take me a while to warm too but I was hoping for an instant feeling like I had with FTL. I find the combat a hindrance and do not enjoy it at all so I try to avoid where possible. I love the exploration parts and small stories and have in fact started playing the fallen london game (which I seem to enjoy more than this).
I'm not saying it's a bad game I'm just disappointed that I didn't find myself getting into it as quick as I'd hoped but I've not given up on it just yet.
It's a token to show off the fact you played the game in unforgiving mode. Kudos, no more. (Bar a possible steam achievement)
Anyone still playing this?

Strange game but I'm rather enjoying it, there's loads i don't understand but I'm kind of enjoying the way it is slowly unfolding and starting to make more sense (even though I'm undoubtedly missing stuff) I find it quite compelling just exploring and running the associated risk/reward of getting places.
I haven't played it for ages. I might have to give it another as it's had a few updates since I last played and I need a go to "casual" game when I get bored of This war of mine.
I've been playing this on and off for quite a while now, and I'm still in two minds about it. The premise is very promising, but, for me at least, the motivation fizzles out after a few sessions, although after a few weeks I tend to come back to it again.
The whole game is very story- and atmosphere driven, and its emphasis lies with the narrative. There's tons of reading to do. Think Planescape Torment here. The exploration is mainly a vehicle for exposition by the ton. And it's really good.
Then the menus. Oh Christ, the menus! They lead you around in circles, and you can find identical menu points in separate menus that are displayed on the main screen SIMULTANEOUSLY! It's very frustrating while you're trying to find your feet with the game, but you get used to it, although it remains an annoyance. There's enough to read without having such multiples hanging about. It beats me, why this hasn’t been eliminated yet.
Apart from that: you have to remember that at first your ship and crew are very weak. Stick to patrolling the eastern coast and don't venture into the open water, otherwise you'll die very quickly. Even if you do and have to start again, you get to pick one quirk from the previous game, so you don't start completely from scratch.
A tip: collect reports for the admiralty, and remember, you can visit a place several times and get a report every time. Many people apparently didn't know this; me having been one of them.
It's a game that always hovers on the brink of being deleted from my hard drive, but only ever just manages to scrape through. I've yet to play the Zubmariner expansion, but it's a good reason to give it another shot.
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