Sunshine - what did people think ? *spoilers*

26 Jan 2003
Couldn't find a thread for this - it warrants one methinks :)

Saw it on friday night and I gotta say I thought it was alright, bit weird nearer the end but to be honest not a bad film at all.

The guy from the first mission who somehow survived was the bit which really got me :p

How he'd been talking to God for 7 years or whatever and had morphed into some super-human or whatever he was :/
I thought it was great! Really scary, and not a feel good moving like Armagheddon. Well worth seeing.

Spoiler space:

TheOtherOption said:
The guy from the first mission who somehow survived was the bit which really got me :p
All the other crew members died, so he had enough oxygen/food to survive on his own.

How he'd been talking to God for 7 years or whatever and had morphed into some super-human or whatever he was :/
He had been on his own, so had gone loopy basically. He was burnt all over due to sitting in the sunshine for 7 years.
Good point ! :p

But yea defo worth going to see :)

I was actually surprised at how empty the cinema in hammersmith was when we went to see it on Friday evening !

They didn't get to technical about the "payload" which was good as that would have been boring as its basically a big ass nuke!

One part which I did think was a tad silly was the repairs on the shield - I would have thought on something so massive that any damage would be a bit more than just to that number of panels they go around ... but still it would have taken longer had it been 100 + lol
Such a small thread for a new reasonably high profile film ?!?!

I thought it was REALLY good until the last 10 minutes.
Then I was in WTF overload.

There was absoloutley no need for all the stuff that happened in the bomb as it descended.
Actually, did anyone get the feeling that there was absoloutley no need for the "bad guy" at all ??
Why would I care less for any plot revolving around a character who only has about 20 minutes screen time ?
They could have easily had tension and horror and threat without introducing a half arsed Event Horizon clone :)

Still..... not enough to ruin the film for me. But I may mark it down ever so slightly. An 8/10 becomes a 7/10 for me !!

(ohh and dodgy science inconsistancy. Man gets coolant burn on his hand after a split second in the coolant, yet can swim around in it for 10 minutes with his eyes open no problem :confused: )
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Moonpie2 said:
(ohh and dodgy science inconsistancy. Man gets coolant burn on his hand after a split second in the coolant, yet can swim around in it for 10 minutes with his eyes open no problem :confused: )
I wouldn't really call dying 'no problem' :p But I can see what you're saying - his eyes would have been screwed, surely!
Oh yeah, and another thing.
The success of the mission to save the entire of mankind and the survival of the astronauts relies on one small poxy garden ?

Why not have a few gardens and dot them about the place... you know.... just incase :rolleyes:
Pretty good film. The ending was a bit too event horizon but I liked it all the same. Not a blockbuster, but entertaining and different.

Moonpie2 said:
Oh yeah, and another thing.
The success of the mission to save the entire of mankind and the survival of the astronauts relies on one small poxy garden ?

Why not have a few gardens and dot them about the place... you know.... just incase :rolleyes:

Cos it's a film dude, if they didn't have the oxygen problem then it wouldn't be as good! :p
Moonpie2 said:
Actually, did anyone get the feeling that there was absoloutley no need for the "bad guy" at all ??

But they'd built up the suspension so much, that they needed a bad guy of some decription, or it would have been pointless!
Cos it's a film dude, if they didn't have the oxygen problem then it wouldn't be as good!

I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the suspense the lack of oxygen gave, but it just seems a bit silly the way it came about.

But they'd built up the suspension so much, that they needed a bad guy of some decription, or it would have been pointless!

Nahhhh I don't agree. A good writer wouldn't need to completely change the direction of the film 3/4 of the way through just to add terror.
All the way through the film it was human error and frailty that made stuff kick off, there was no reason that couldn't have continued.
Ive thought about this some more and while the bad guy does add an 'omg coolness' factor to some extent I think it changes the pace of the film too much. It removes much of the anguish felt by the guy that commits suicide and loses all the tension built up by the initial problems.

In the first part any small manfunction had a massive detrimental effect on the ship. Literally nothing could go wrong, this built suspense. With the arrival of the bad guy and the subsequent trashing of the ship nothing much really seems to go wrong in comparison.

Personally I think the tension could have been built up much more with the issues over oxygen that were brought up earlier. However it all might have been a bit easy if this were the case. As without the separation from icarus 1 by the bad guy they could have harvested the plants from there.
The most tense & scary part of the movie for me was when they docked and entered Icarus 1, as it was obvious that 'something' was going to happen, but you didn't know what. If they walked around I1 and nothing happened, or there were no bad consequences, then I don't really see what the point of docking with it would have been, except to of gotten new plants (from the film point of view, not from the mission point of view if you see what I mean)?
Icarus I was a fairly pointless thing other than it being how that guy presumably got aboard Icarus II and then went on to cause havok ...

One bit which I thought was a bit odd was the guy going into the coolant to save the mainframe and get the Icarus going again - he died because of it but was it just that it froze him to death or was it also a tad corrosive ? :p
Moonpie2 said:
(ohh and dodgy science inconsistancy. Man gets coolant burn on his hand after a split second in the coolant, yet can swim around in it for 10 minutes with his eyes open no problem :confused: )

I was rather perplexed by this too - seemed a bit stupid that it burned him earlier then when it required it he was happy to just jump in and look around for the problem :/
I thought the moive was naffy Mcnaff-naff from Naffsville.


By the time it was nearing the end, I was hoping for at least some sfx wizardry when the sun goes kablooey to make it worth while, but then it just cuts to earth :mad:

Lame and predictable. Oh no, which one is going to die next? Do I even care? Not really. Gosh, his eyes are well blue though! etc.

*end spoiler*

I shoulda gone to see 300 but the gf didn't want to :mad:
I haven't been to see this but am I right in saying that the premise of the film is that the Sun needs to be re-ignited by landing a nuke on the surface?

Because that kind of science slaps me in the face and tells me not to buy a cinema ticket. :p
InsomniaCalls said:
I haven't been to see this but am I right in saying that the premise of the film is that the Sun needs to be re-ignited by landing a nuke on the surface?

Because that kind of science slaps me in the face and tells me not to buy a cinema ticket. :p

It doesn't go into details but would telling you its a really BIG nuke make you change your mind?
dmpoole said:
It doesn't go into details but would telling you its a really BIG nuke make you change your mind?

I'll admit it's made some difference. Although the difference was very limited.

Do they skip past the period of time required to get to the Sun, and difficulty in getting so close to the Sun etc?
To be fair, its not a big nuke.
Its every last ounce of fissile material Earth has to offer :)

The film starts when the crew are pretty close to the sun actually.
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