Sunshine - what did people think ? *spoilers*

InsomniaCalls said:
Do they skip past the period of time required to get to the Sun, and difficulty in getting so close to the Sun etc?

One of them tells his parents "If you see a big flash then we've succeeded and hopefully I'll see you in two years time" (or words to that effect)

They had a BIG shield.

I might have missed some bits because I was that bored.
Bloody awesome, but have to agree the deterioration into the "Event Horizon" style last third or so spoiled things a bit. Plenty of ways to have upped the tension and while I guess the whole concept of a spacecraft getting that close to the Sun is implausible, the notion that someone could survive out there for so long is a bit ludicrous.

Loved the music and the sound kicked ass - first time I've felt the cinema floor shake like that in a long time.

Definitely one for the Blu-Ray collection later in the year.
Enjoyed it!!! thought it was wicked, loved the unusual sounds that Boyle uses and the music was very very good too...

Thought the bit when the three guys had to jump to the other ship and two of them were wraped in the silver insulation was a bit far fetched as you would probably inplode/explode and die!!!!! :rolleyes:
Lots of the science was obviously far fetched, but overall I enjoyed it and thought there was lots of atmosphere in the film, particularly when the crew enter Icarus 1. The visuals were great. Must see Event Horizon. Do you think its better/worse?
Master_X said:
Enjoyed it!!! thought it was wicked, loved the unusual sounds that Boyle uses and the music was very very good too...

Thought the bit when the three guys had to jump to the other ship and two of them were wraped in the silver insulation was a bit far fetched as you would probably inplode/explode and die!!!!! :rolleyes:

yeah that didnt make sense, im not entirely sure if its possible for the human body to........ forget all that carp about exploding people, just looked this
information up. its not all theory either as research was conducted on animals. you could survive in a vacuum for a pretty surprising amount of time, around 90 seconds if i read it right but you probably fall unconcious after 10 or so seconds but aslong as you get partial pressure back it should be possible to start breathing again on your own

infact from reading it all you dont even freeze fast in space either (which kinda makes sense if you think about it) as your own body heat hasnt got anywhere to travel, it obviously wouldnt feel warm but you would die from lack of oxygen/low pressure before you died from freezing.
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Fusion said:
Lots of the science was obviously far fetched, but overall I enjoyed it and thought there was lots of atmosphere in the film, particularly when the crew enter Icarus 1. The visuals were great. Must see Event Horizon. Do you think its better/worse?

Event Horizon is much more horror orientated, still good sci-fi but very grisly and gory in parts. Creeps me out whenever I watch it (which is frequently!). Remind me to avoid Neptune in a future existence...
I thought it was an awesome film, the music kicked ass too! And as far as movie sci fi films went, this one was pretty well done. I read that there was actually a scientific explanation for the sun dieing before it's time, it was seriously unlikely it would ever happen but was scientifically possible, will see if I can dig it up. There were a few things that bugged me tho, mainly the guy that froze when he got blown out the airlock, just wouldn't happen. As someone already said, the only way you lose heat in space is by radiation, it would take a lot longer than that to freeze. They also claimed that it was -273 degrees outside, which i don't think is true.

Overall the film was awesome tho, apart from the crazy burnt guy, it would have been better without him! Definitely a DVD purchase that one...
Hamzter said:
I thought it was an awesome film, the music kicked ass too! And as far as movie sci fi films went, this one was pretty well done. I read that there was actually a scientific explanation for the sun dieing before it's time, it was seriously unlikely it would ever happen but was scientifically possible, will see if I can dig it up. There were a few things that bugged me tho, mainly the guy that froze when he got blown out the airlock, just wouldn't happen. As someone already said, the only way you lose heat in space is by radiation, it would take a lot longer than that to freeze. They also claimed that it was -273 degrees outside, which i don't think is true.

Overall the film was awesome tho, apart from the crazy burnt guy, it would have been better without him! Definitely a DVD purchase that one...

techincally your mouth and nose would freeze as any water/moisture thats on them would almost instantly boil/carry body heat away and you would loose heat that way, just pray you dont need to go for a **** while inside a vacuum :D
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Reeve said:
infact from reading it all you dont even freeze fast in space either (which kinda makes sense if you think about it) as your own body heat hasnt got anywhere to travel

Your body radiates heat via electromagnetic waves in the infra-red range, which are able to travel in a vacuum (otherwise none of the suns heat would reach us).
Quite liked it, granted a few groans. Why didnt he turn the filter down when approaching the crazy captain - even if he thought he was friendly wouldnt you just turn the lights down? Silly question, was there meant to be "fight club" style frames sloted in the film?
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