Super Exclusive Mayhems Competition!

They are innovative because they can create amazing pastel coloured coolants, so I don't have to use clear liquids with coloured tubing.

They make sure to give you the coolants you need to keep your system cool and damn right sexy looking!

Mmm. Pastel liquids are so peerrtttyyy.

Innovation symbolizes Mayhems, even this acronym.

When in doubt, steal a famous quote and change it, poorly.
Good luck to all serious entries.
Mayhems, with their pastel and aroura fluid ranges, have singlehandedly (for me at least) put the sex appeal back into watercooling.
The first time I saw images/video of the aurora demo system (dual loop, blue/red) I was enthralled! Being able to actually see the vortexes and eddys in the fluid, it was the first time I'd actually realised how fast the fluid flows round the system. since then, I have become obsessed with watercooling, and it's even pushed me to the point where I am now starting to collect bits to watercool my white shinobi, despite the fact that I don't need to lower temps, and REALLY cannot afford it at the moment!
I love the clean aesthetics which can be achieved with Mayhems pastel fluids, and as far as I know, Mayhems are the only brand offering fluids in any other style than the cliched 'UV translucent' that is the norm for watercooling. Add to this the fact that Mayhems fluids are perfectly blended to use solo (and not worry much about corrosion or microfauna!), and it's easy to see how Mayhems have captured the market so readily.

my plans for my build are centred around a 240 thick radiator, and pastel white fluid (maybe a drop or 2 of UV blue dye!) so obviously, I would be very chuffed if I was to win this!

Much love Mayhems, and thanks for renewing my interest in worryingly expensive computer parts :p
Those prizes are a prime example of how they are innovative, a four pass radiator which you say yourselves is unique, is offering the ultimate in cooling solutions by allowing to get those temps right down tells you that they are doing their job trying to improve the way it cools and does its job. The fact that they are always on the lookout for constant improvement, constantly running tests and the quality of their workmanship is another true statement to this too.

They have really opened the gates on the uniqueness of their products too by way of the liquids you can use to cool your system while being able to pick a coolant that enhances your systems appearance and individuality by being able to match the colour scheme of the rest of your system. Now if those reasons alone don't signify that they are innovative in what they do and the way they do it ill buy a hat and eat it ^^

Good luck all and thank you Mayhems and OCUK
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The outstanding range that Mayhems offer is unique because nothing compares to it. A few years ago, I started by using a generic brand fluid, and after 6 months upon changing it, it had stained my blocks, tubes and left a horrible residue in my blocks. So i thought i'd give Mayhems X1 a try. With not many products at the time, I wasn't sure whether it was a good purchase but looking back, it started off all my watercooling days.

The effort that Michael has put into Mayhems is reflected upon how innovative his product range is, from Aurora to the new X2 fluid, which I myself will have to try. The precision and dedication has meant my system is that bit better over what it used to be, and with another Mayhems product inside my case, who knows how much better my computer could get.

So to conclude...

Mayhems are one of a kind and you know something is going to be good when the man behind it has the right mind!
ok i was going to say stuff about the pastels and aurora and stuff like that but then i looked into it and
apple are renowned for innovation and design and they managed to get everyone so amazed by a change of colour and Mayhems has tones of colours so if apple are innovation and designers then Mayhems but be some kind of innovation god
Why is mayhems so innovative, Well they just are,

No seriously they do provide what most say is the best fluid. Even though I am new to watercooling, just finished my build a few days ago, I have gone with mayhems ultra pure. However now I am looking at my computer and feel like my watercooling loop doesn’t quite look nice enough. So as mayhems dye provides an easy solution to my problems, I have to pick some up to add a little bit of pinash. I wouldn’t consider using anything else, as other dyes can clog up blocks and stain tubing.

Mayhems provides multiple ways to satisfy your needs, with the pre mixed coolants, for simplicity or the dyes so you can get the exact colour that you are looking for. If it wasn’t for these dyes I might have to resort to what my girlfriend suggested, “to just add a bit of food colouring”.

And the thought of those brilliant quad pass rads, I actually hadn’t heard of these before this competition, but they sound amazing. That shows that mayhems really are trying to push boundaries, especially making them in the UK

I actully would rather win second prize, otherwise i am going to have to spend more money on a new case to fit a 360 rad.
"Mayhams are innovative" because

A Hyaena Never Omits Vim

And also these are the first watercooling products which I have seen which would tempt me to upgrade my existing watercooling loop which I did use to consider as been the best money could buy until Mayhams came along.

Lastly, if I don't win a prize I will keep posting this picture.

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Personally I don't see any other products that even match up to Mayhem offers.
I've not been into watercooling as long as most people but the most common options were coloured tubes or dyed fluid and don't forget UV everything.

Mayhems offer the best coloured dyes and also in premixed options that include everything needed even the biocide (which has also been improved upon).
Other than the Dye Im sure Mayhems is the only supplier with some of the best looking fluid I have ever seen, the Pastel offers something that im sure hadnt been done before and the premixed colours are also so different, even a concentrated version has appeared which add even more possibilites. I had an issue with some Pastel but the customer service that was provided made it even better.
The Aurora Pearl effect is one of the best looking fluids out there.
Even the heat changing fluid that was being worked on has to be one of the most innovative products I have seen in the watercooling range.

To me Mayhem is ever changing the products for the better giving us new and original options we never thought of or asked for but yet always want whilst making the watercooling looking the better everytime, this is why I think Mayhems in Innovative.

make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products:

(of a product, idea, etc.) featuring new methods; advanced and original:

the action or process of innovating:
Ive had to bring a independent in on this as my head i now so big i cannot fit though the door. .. Ill let OCUK know asap who are the winners.
Ive had to bring a independent in on this as my head i now so big i cannot fit though the door. .. Ill let OCUK know asap who are the winners.

I hope it's a female independent then I am sure to win first prize with my rugged good looks! ;)
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