Mayhems, with their pastel and aroura fluid ranges, have singlehandedly (for me at least) put the sex appeal back into watercooling.
The first time I saw images/video of the aurora demo system (dual loop, blue/red) I was enthralled! Being able to actually see the vortexes and eddys in the fluid, it was the first time I'd actually realised how fast the fluid flows round the system. since then, I have become obsessed with watercooling, and it's even pushed me to the point where I am now starting to collect bits to watercool my white shinobi, despite the fact that I don't need to lower temps, and REALLY cannot afford it at the moment!
I love the clean aesthetics which can be achieved with Mayhems pastel fluids, and as far as I know, Mayhems are the only brand offering fluids in any other style than the cliched 'UV translucent' that is the norm for watercooling. Add to this the fact that Mayhems fluids are perfectly blended to use solo (and not worry much about corrosion or microfauna!), and it's easy to see how Mayhems have captured the market so readily.
my plans for my build are centred around a 240 thick radiator, and pastel white fluid (maybe a drop or 2 of UV blue dye!) so obviously, I would be very chuffed if I was to win this!
Much love Mayhems, and thanks for renewing my interest in worryingly expensive computer parts