US: Supergirl (Arrow/Flash team)

Episode 3 down, the references to Superman slightly annoyed me, don't see why they had to put him down to build her up, maybe its just me.

Still keeping with it for now though.
I think DC have really missed the trick with their superhero's. They give them to much power and then make them complete whimps. Can tell it's the same studio that do the Flash, it has the corny acting sidekicks and cheesy named villians, who conveniently have technology that no one has ever heard of. Not a fan of this format.
Oh boy, now they are even calling massive steroid type bad guys that are clearly guys "she". In any other show that would have just given me a chuckle but seems so stupid in this one because of the over the top amount of girl-power cheer leading going on.
My gf made me get this for her, watch 2 episodes last night. If it wasnt for Supergirl & Supergirls Aunt, id be out.

Dat Aunt tho
Uggh, this gets more and more cringe worthy with each episode. 45 mins of guff just so they can say a woman can have it all... love, career, baby etc.
Yeah, it's pretty poo.
That shot when she er, used her anger with the eye lasers was pretty good though.

Dunno about that Red Tornado / Vision looking clone and the whirlwind producing spinny hand thing...
That's the least of this show's issues tbh.. I'm just here for dem thighs - and that's gonna wear off pretty fast if it carries on like this.
I think this has actually got a lot better, last nights episode was far more solid with plenty of action and a good couple of cliff hangers for the holiday hiatus.
I think this has actually got a lot better, last nights episode was far more solid with plenty of action and a good couple of cliff hangers for the holiday hiatus.

I completely agree, some of these recent episodes have actually been very good. This series has a lot of potential.
I agree, last night's episode was the best yet by a long shot. I just hope they don't waste the opportunity to do J'onn J'onzz justice (pun slightly intended).
This is becoming a really good show. I never thought it was aimed at teenage girls, rather aimed at superhero/comic book fans ;)
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