US: Superman and Lois Lane tv Series (Cw)

Lois' wonky eye is really distracting once you notice it. She literally has the look of a pug from some angles.


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Season 1 was ok but Supe's brother just doesn't look tough.

Just want the episode 7 of season 2 and I didn't like how the visitor was dealt with by that schmuck Anderson.
Lois' wonky eye is really distracting once you notice it. She literally has the look of a pug from some angles.
she could wear contact lens if it was a big issue and if the show was any good you wouldn't be sitting nit picking.

her acting should bother you more, she was crap in Grimm too
she could wear contact lens if it was a big issue and if the show was any good you wouldn't be sitting nit picking.

her acting should bother you more, she was crap in Grimm too

Hardly “nit picking”, it’s very distracting from certain angles, gave up at the start of season 2 anyway.
Enjoying Superman and Lois, the teen drama is at least toned down much more then usual CW shows. The Family aspect has to be with it though.

I prefer a Superman series not connected to the rest of the planet for now, but we know it is since digs turned up earlier.

I think Supe and lois might be the last CW dc series
Well this season finale shows us the Arrowverse is officially dead :eek:

To get around all the whole DC and super heroes and past they simply set this version of Superman and lois on another earth not the one we have seen and watched for past 6 years on arrowverse :cry:

Interesting choice really, maybe it is just a hell of a lot more easier to keep each tv series set in its own earth after all.
It was strange that they used the superman actor from Supergirl, but didn't have supergirl cross over even once. It wasn't a bad show although I only watched season 1, but anyway, it's about time these shows come to an end.

DC comics are awesome, they deserve better shows.
Yes, i was the same but then realised that its actually set on a different earth than the Supergirl(And the Flash i think) which are supposed to be Earth Prime and S&L are on Earth2 after the Crisis episodes. The only person that i recall seeing from the Arrowverse this season was Diggle and he could just have been Earth2s version.
Quite a poor season, ally was so lame, is that the best they could do?
It had all the elements of a poor comic book TV show season: Evil version of the main hero and other characters, lots of teenage drama, redeeming the villain of last season, etc etc...
So I just want to make sure I've got this right. They decide not to set in the same continuity they already established these actors in so they have a clean break? Ok I get it, the Arrowverse is all but dead and that gets us a clean break on characters already used in Supergirl, again I get it, they blew through a lot of the big names in Superman's rogues gallery (and some others and some cases in frankly really bizarre choices). But to do all that and then use their newfound freedom to:

Fake out doing Doomsday in a way that means you can't ever do that right down the line.
Introduce Bizarro and kill him off after 4 episodes.
Then have the guy who killed him vanish for a couple of episodes before he's off unceremoniously by the actual big bad, a version of parasite so bastardised it would make the Supergirl version proud

This what they choose to do with a clean slate on continuity? And the worst part is, I could forgive all that if it had just been good, but that was the worst Season 1 to season 2 drop off any of these shows has suffered.
I liked this series for what it was worth, but they wrapped it up with such a cheeseball ending so that it doesn't clash with Gunns new Superman movie.

Awful way to end it.
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