Superman demo on live

It's a bit too restricting for my liking. I love the speed until you hit something and just instantly stop and no damage occurs to the object.

Roll on 5 years time when game worlds will be fully destructible with realistic physics. None of this running into pedestrians at 500mph and just jerking around them nonsense.
DeFrEaTs said:
It's a bit too restricting for my liking. I love the speed until you hit something and just instantly stop and no damage occurs to the object.

Roll on 5 years time when game worlds will be fully destructible with realistic physics. None of this running into pedestrians at 500mph and just jerking around them nonsense.

I guess the problem with that is that you're meant to be Superman, helping people n all. We all know we'd just like to cause havoc and toy with the engine which could end up destroying Metropilis before the bad guys get a chance to :D Who knows, maybe this city has Superman dampners in place on the buildings due to so many battles with him bashing into things ;)
There is a meter for "City Destruction" i helped destroy it, though i was expecting something cool to happen, instead you fall to yours knees crying and it says "SUPERMAN HAS FAILED TO PROTECT METROPOLIS"
McDaniel said:
There is a meter for "City Destruction" i helped destroy it, though i was expecting something cool to happen, instead you fall to yours knees crying and it says "SUPERMAN HAS FAILED TO PROTECT METROPOLIS"

Geez what a baby. Man of steel indeed :rolleyes: :D
GTCole said:
Any true Superman fan would agree, the film was ace and gets better everytime i watch it!

Film was amazing. Looking forward to the downlaod of the demo tonight.

You get to be superman, fly around, zap people with your eye beam, what more could you want?

McDaniel said:
they end the demo leaving you wanting more :(

Yeah. I've just played it and I was really impressed. Seems like it could be a great game. Hope its open ended like Spiderman so I can just keep playing it.

Oh and why oh why didn't they license the theme tune? That would have really made this game.
cyKey said:
Yeah. I've just played it and I was really impressed. Seems like it could be a great game. Hope its open ended like Spiderman so I can just keep playing it.

Oh and why oh why didn't they license the theme tune? That would have really made this game.

Aye, there is plenty wrong with the game though - but not enough to not play it :)

I was well expecting the theme tune turned my 5.1 right up... nothing :(
McDaniel said:
I was well expecting the theme tune turned my 5.1 right up... nothing :(

Yeah its a real shame. Every Superman fan would want to play this game with the theme tune building in the background as they use super speed. The score for the game isn't bad, but its not super :D Seems like I'll get this game. I really enjoyed Spiderman 2, and this seems just like it but with Superman \o/ Oh fun game. Pick up a car, throw it into the sky and see if you can catch it. Annoyingly if you go past it and turn around it disapears.
Pretty cack demo imo, graphics look like they belong on a ps2 and not a 360,only real thing i liked was superman had no health bar and the city did which kinda made more sense than him having health. It kinda does boil down to him having a health bar but not having him die from something bs.

Dissapointing overall :(
Hmm, liked the demo but as said its quite restricting, why can't you take a person into the sky and drop em :p I would catch em again I swear ;)

Graphics are a bit sub-par admittedly the city is huge etc but still surely some more detail could have been put into it when you get closer etc
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