Superman Returns review

From what I've heard (I think it was on the Beeb's website) its getting Rave reviews and no-one's got a bad worrd to say about it!...
Saw it yesterday and have to say its one of the worst films that I've ever seen, I want my 2.5 hours back.
TBH I wasn't expecting much from the film by my God did this film suck.
Save your money and go see POTC2, soo much better.
From the reviews I have heard and after speaking to others who have seen it from the usa as not out here till 14th they say its amazing.

I cant beleave its as bad as you say, are you a fan of the originals?
Can you perhaps go into a little detail and tell me why its so bad please.
indeed we are not it was some friends from texas who were telling me about it.

I for one cannot wait to see it :D
I saw it last night (legally, in the UK) and thought it was pretty good.

It doesn't deviate too much from the original films and I thought that Kevin Spacey was excellent as Lex Luthor.

I'd put the film on a par with Spiderman 1 - good but perhaps not truly outstanding. It's still worth a watch, even at 2 1/2 hours.

is he, isn't he, is he, isn't he?

I think the answer is quite blatant. :p
tbh empire gave it 5 stars, they knwo what they on about ive never disagreed with them before so anyone who says its crap when every review ive bothered to look at says its good, you know they are wrong
Eliot said:
so anyone who says its crap when every review ive bothered to look at says its good, you know they are wrong

It's called an opinion, and there's nothing wrong with having a different one. ;)
King4aDay said:
Also, Empire give anything that isnt appalling 4 stars anyway, I gave up going by their reviews a long time ago.
xmen3=3 stars=good My thoughts=worth 4=excellent
MI:3=3stars=good my opinion=worth 3 stars
however i spose knog didnt deserve 5
I'm going to see this at the Imax when it comes out, Superman in 3D on a huge freaking screen

Seeing it at the IMAX is excellent (especially with their surround sound system), but I'm not sure whether the 3D bits work.

3D is a gimmick and this film isn't gimmicky - it's better than that. I found that the 3D parts detracted from the film, rather than adding anything to it. I think it would have been better without the 3D bits.

It's still worth seeing at the IMAX though. :)
Well I might as well post my thoughts, since I missed this thread first time around.

Just got back from the USA, wanted to see this at the Imax in Atlantic City at the weekend, but they were all sold out so had to go to a regular cinema on Monday. After all the hype and great reviews, I really was expecting something special. It's not a bad film, but I really didn't think it was anything out of the ordinary. Just a decent action/superhero film. :)
Saw it yesterday and thought it was very average. It's very faithful to the original films but lacks all the charm. There are some very good set pieces here and there, but overall it's a bit dull. Kate Bosworth is utterly gorgeous but not a very good Lois Lane, IMO. I'd give it 3 stars out of 5.
There are few problems with Superman Returns.

It tries to be continuation of the original Reeves superman so hard it's almost loosing all the plot. Why wasn't it done from the scratch, from the beginning, why are we getting PG rated continuation to cardboard cutout special effects early eighties movies no one gives a flying monkeys about anymore. Brando cameo aside, storyline starts in the middle of nowhere. Beginning of the movie - Superman is coming back, from where, why, no one knows. In the same time Lex is going somewhere (no spoilers), why, what is he looking for, who is he? Are we really supposed to know storyline of the original trilogy? 23 years later? Who is this movie for? It's gonna confuse the heck out of anyone born in the last 2 decades, it doesn't fit to nineties TV series, it doesn't follow smallville superman storyline, Lex is no longer in the same age group as Clark and Lane, idea wise it's back to square one but storyline is a middle of something. Most of the movie people who don't know superman comic books and old movies will have absolutely no clue what is happenning on the screen, who is who and why is everyone so wound up. And to be honest, with all due respect to Reeve, who on earth would want to sit through quite possibly three of the worst made shoe string budget sci-fi movies ever done in Hollywood just to figure out 2.5 hours long film with only one known actor in cast (btw Spacey is brilliant)?

Superman Returns shows how old the Superman merchandise is. If you never seen or dont' remember Reeve trilogy then for you it literally will be a strange story about a guy who opens his shirt and voila, underneeth he's got grease styled wig, fancy pijamas together with pair of brown bulletproof wellingtons. It will be nothing like good bits of smallville but it will have all the bits that sucked about seventies/eighties films. It's neither here, nor there and doesn't even make sense inbetween.
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