Superman Returns review

Liked 2 things about the film: Plane rescue and the cape flapping in the wind as superman flies past the streets.
Just got back from seeing this and i have to say it was absolute drivel. Nice effects, rubbish casting (Superman and Louis esp), predictable plots and tedious drawn out scenes filled with pensive looks that said 'Wow!.... We really have nothing else to put here!', the underlying love story between louis and superman was so weak you never even felt anything had ever been there, Clark and Louis 'old friends' were like strangers together. Its goes on and on. How this got rave reviews i have no idea
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Saw it last night. Didn't think it was as bad as many have suggested here but it wasn't outstanding either.

I thought Routh did well, Bosworth as Lois Lane however just didn't feel right. There was something about the lack of on-screen chemistry. Spacey played an excellent part as usual.

If only it was cut a little shorter. It was about 30-45mins too long, and the closing scenes seemed to drag on forever. POTC2 however, was almost exactly the same length but had me wondering where all the time had got to. I'm growing quite tired of what seems to be post LOTR syndrome where some directors think they require neigh on 3 hours in order to produce 'an epic' with these types of films.

But overall kept me entertained for most of the time. Not bad.
Personally I thought it was excellent, and i actually appreciated the fact that it was similar to the original - quirky but good.

The bit where he brings the plane to rest in the first opening action scene... that was awesome.. :eek:
I think it's probably people who were fans of the characters are quite happy with the film, and the others are not. I love the characters and it only took a little while at the beginning to stop thinking of Brandon as the new Superman and just see Superman on the screen. And yes...the plane crash scene has to be one of the best action sequences in a film for ages! :D :D :D
At the end of the day, whether i loved it or hated it

OH MY GOD i was sat in the cinema listening to the superman tune blasting out, i was just sat there grinning for ages, i mean wow ! superman on big screen, used to love playing superman when i was little as im sure a lot of people did, and im too young to have gone the cinema for the first superman films.

I thought the majority of it was really good, liked the transparent effects with his vision, thought they looked really nice, especially when he watched lois in the lift going up.

But still, wish i had taken a picture of my face when the superman tune beamed out, was like a child in a sweet shop :D :D

Is there a sequel in pipeline?
McDaniel said:
i think there arguement is that the continued after the 2nd movie cos the third and forth where utter pants :) so its like they have scrapped there existance.

<peter kay> how dare you! </peter kay>

Superman III was boss!

ok, ok, I'll amend that statement. Richard Pryor in Superman III was boss....

Next Superman confirmed with 2009 release in mind

Rumours bound are its to have lord Zod as the main villian and its more action focused...

Guess at the end of the day they have almost broken even with world wide box office figures and there still gonna be raking in plenty in unreleased places.... with that much money made the next ones a given ;)

Xmen Last stands done very well also.... it would be stupid to say no to another one and say no to few 100 million profit !
Just got back from watching this.

Thought it was quite good, not a 'great' film, but very watchable.

Brandon Routh was a pleasant surprise, thought he wouldn't quite manage it, but he acted well.

Kate Bosworth, as fit as she is, didnt fit the role of Lois Lane though.

Still i enjoyed it, 7 out of 10.

Just gotta wait till Spiderman 3 now!

no i thought it was rubbish, i cant wait for spiderman3 (red spiderman v blackspiderman) :p and also waiting for Scanner Darkly and ghost rider, Harsh Times, 11:14 these are the films i wanna watch.
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I saw this last week. It wasn't unenjoyable by any means, but I was disappointed. It was great seeing Superman in action with modern-day visual effects, but I didn't care much for the storyline.

Good points:

1) Fantastic action scenes
2) Excellent CG and miniature work
3) Brandon Routh is a good replacement for Reeve
4) Kevin Spacey is a PERFECT, slightly more violent Lex Luthor
5) Marlon Brando getting a posthumous cameo

Bad Point:

1) Somehow, not enough action
2) Kate Bosworth is a competent actress, but she just isn't Lois Lane
3) Drags in more than one or two places
4) Storyline is too Lois-centric; Lex takes a back seat for a lot of it
5) In trying to be too much like the original, it compromises

Worth a look, but if anyone was going to see one blockbuster this summer I'd recommend Dead Man's Chest :)
Saw it yesterday. Personally i thought there was too little action and the main plot was quite poor. As said above, there never seemed any threat with lexus's plan. Was the land just going to slowly sink over a period of 50 years or something? I have loved the other comic/films especially batman begins, but i just found this film to be lacking. An hour in and it seemed very little had happened.

On the positive side i thought the effects throughout the film were great. IMO if the lex story had been better the film would have been great.
MasterMike said:
2) Kate Bosworth is a competent actress, but she just isn't Lois Lane

It has to be said - although bland and lifeless at least she's fairly pretty replacement for Lois Lane. Knowing that Superman stripped for this:

left a lot of unresolved issues ( hot topics in seventies) - was Lois a man, is Superman gay, was it Michael Jackson in a wig, will offspring look like Patty Smith? ;)
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More importantly, how would Lois have survived if Superman's seed is faster than a speeding bullet?
IceBus said:
More importantly, how would Lois have survived if Superman's seed is faster than a speeding bullet?

Theres an infamous Mallrats quote that goes something like...

Brodie: It's impossible, Lois could never have Superman's baby. Do you think her fallopian tubes could handle the sperm? I guarantee you he blows a load like a shotgun right through her back. What about her womb? Do you think it's strong enough to carry her child?

T.S.: Sure, why not?

Brodie: He's an alien, for Christ sake. His Kyrptonian biological makeup is enhanced by earth's yellow sun. If Lois gets a tan the kid could kick right through her stomach. Only someone like Wonder Woman has a strong enough uterus to carry his kid. The only way he could bang regular chicks is with a kryptonite condom. That would kill him!

So Lois = Wonderwoman???
Hehehe, that Lois couldn't concieve Superman's child is a daft criticism. Sci-fi and fantasy have been doing inter-species breeding for years. It's fantastical, yes, but so is the whole concept of Superman.

McDaniel said:

Saw this today, and found it quite boring. I agree with vOn that they might have been better off starting from scratch in terms of the plot etc.

Not much happened at all in this film. It's 2.5hrs, and yet we never really learn all that much about the core storyline other than Luther wants to bung a few crystals in the sea and create a new continent. For some reason he failed and for some reason his kryptonite spiking prevent superman from lifting it all up anyway. Aside from that we had a few of your usual 'rescue' scenes.

The tv series with Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher was more entertaining than this, and I wasn't even a big fan of that.

Spacey was brilliant, as always, and at least the film was bearable thanks to him. But the actress playing Lois was lifeless, there was no chemistry.
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