Supermarket Etiquette

Milk in loo roll section, frozen pizza in cd aisle...why bother walking to put it back :)

Common courtesy? Try working in a supermarket one day. I know its "part of their job and they get paid for it" but its just you being to lazy to put it back. You wouldn't ask a toilet attendant to flush the toilet for you even thought its there job to keep them clean? (Bad example I know but for some reason the only thing I can think of :rolleyes:) Not trying to rant I'm just saying I find it annoying and impolite.

yeh im part of the group that sees shopping as a military operation. get in, get what you want, get out.
you should have pre planned what you want, be this food stuffs or when clothes shopping and never deter from your plan.
this is especially important when xmas present shopping, i went with my mum and she didnt understand that i knew what i wanted and had finished shopping 20minutes after entering town. she wonders aimlessly along window shopping and gazing into space narrowly avoiding people crashes. if you didnt need it before going shopping you arent gonna need it after looking through a window. get in. get out. jobs a good'un.
i also agree as i have to put up with this on my weekend shifts, mainly cos i work there (morrisons) :rolleyes:

although i must admit i do block the aisles with my trolley but how else is the food going to get on the shelf in the first place. but i am different to most, i am willing to wait for the customers to move so i can continue my work or will move if i am in the way. :)
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I work in a supermarket and i have to put up with these sorts of people every day. Over the Christmas period the old people have been a nightmare. Choosing which mince pies to buy for about 30 minutes and then complaining to me that they can't reach them without asking for my help first.
lol how true is the opening post. my misses and friend works in a supermarket they wont let me go in because i get wound up and start saying sweary words very loudly.
what worries me the most is people drive in a car (mostly) to the supermarket and then drive a trolley around and loose all sense of space/speed and stupidity
If you are stood still you have to either block the isle or the shelf...

but yes, supermarkets are horrible places, too many people there, with an average IQ less than that of a dog kennels.

No you don't!

Trolley goes in front of you, you reach for produce on shelf while trolley is in front of you. You don't turn the trolley at right angles to you so it blocks the isle while reaching for items like the Isle Blocker Does.

Granted, the shelf is temporarily blocked but the whole point of The Shelf Blocker is that they don't acknowledge their block wheras a considerate shopper moves swiftly and grabs their item with minimum delay, ensuring other shoppers have their access to the shelves swiftly returned.

Don't forget the unmissable trolley trains!

At my local Waitrose I swear the staff make a habit of regularly shifting a MASSIVE train of trolleys from one end of the shop to the other through the main pathways of customers, then back again for the sake of it, minutes later :p
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