Supermarket Etiquette

Same. Im the 'matrix shopper'

Sometimes the phantom trolley too, i leave it for bit, quickly run around and get what i always get then only the next lot of stuff. However if there is a phantom trolley in my way i will sometimes have a quick look to see if there anything good in it, stick it in mine and be off.

I hate shopping but love looking for bargains :)
My, the impatience in this thread is stunning.

Relax people. Chill. Have a jam sandwich.

Nonsense! Patience is for people who either have too much time on their hands or don't value their time highly enough :p ;)

Also old people should be banned, period. I actually think Logan's Run had the right idea, and it would mean no pension crises :)
I hate it when I am following my Mum down the central aisle at Morrisons and someone will appear suddenly from a side aisle and try to speed across the central aisle to the other side aisle.

I have to swerve to avoid a side on impact. :mad:

Don't I have right of way? We need traffic lights on side aisles in supermarkets I think. :p

Huh? :confused: Shopping, with your mother?
or the family day outing with 2 pushchairs walking side by side in a packed out shoppin mall with grandma n grandad,specially at christmas time
What irritates me is when you are queuing up behind someone at the till. They have been stood there for the last two minutes, and yet when they are finally asked to pay, they almost act surprised. Fish around in their handbag and finally pull out their purse. But wait. "Do you have a *insert supermarket loyalty card here* madam?". Another 30s pause while she checks all 15 pockets before finally retrieving it. To top it off they will usually take half an hour over retrieving their bagged shopping from the ed of the till, delaying me even further.

It's common sense people. Make use of that queuing time to get everything ready. Christ, if I'm only buying a few items, I'll even start counting out approximately the right amount of money if paying cash.


this is what annoys me most

or when the till operator has a 5 minute chat with the person in front
We had a fire alarm go off one morning at our place, so my job is to get everyone out as soon as possible. One woman, who must have been <10 feet from the fire exit, proceeded to ignore the blaring, wailing alarm warning here that something was amiss, and carried on shopping. I said, quite loudly "excuse me, you'll have to leave, there's a fire alarm". She ignored me again, and again, so I ended up standing in front of her, pointing at the door, and she asks "can I help you, young man?"

No, she wans't deaf either :eek:

I think the original post is quality though, I get it every day at work :(
Excellent thread!:D

I hate supermarkets with a passion, the most annoying thing has to be unruly children I think, were any of us ever this bad?
Running around screaming, showing no regards for anyone else, constantly grabbing stuff and asking loudly "mommie I want this".
I praise Tesco for having opened up a Tesco extra shop down the road, open 24hrs most days!!!:D.
Sometimes I'm really happy we don't live in the US as I can't assure anyone I wouldn't have gone mental and shot a few people in Asda;)
theres a lot of things that people have said that really annoy me in big shops but i feel for the staff in some cases as the biggest thing in a tesco to ever annoy me is :

the main boss disrupting staff from stocking shelves etc from the warehouse.

i had a placement from the job center new deal crap a few years ago i ended up in my local tesco (during my college easter holidays) as a slave monkey.

the thing that annoyed me was that the manager thought it was a good idea to hold staff meetings at random in the storage area of the shop with all the senoir staff standing there.....

in the main path from the storage room to the shop floor and you got really dirty looks if you asked them to move then they would reluctantly move out your way and give you daggers.....

the wifey boss had a perfectly good office for holding meetings.... but chose to stand in the way of every one in the stock room and get annoyed any time she got asked to move to let a storage cage/trolley move past which happened every few minutes.

i would have thought that she would have taken the hint and not hold staff meetings there..... all the regular staff were very annoyed with her to for that crap....
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Mostly I can handle supermarkets. But I'm glad most have automatic doors now, as the one thing that did used to make my blood boil was when I would courteously hold the door open for someone, and they would walk through, but wouldn't dream of saying thankyou or even acknowledge the gesture.

Then four, five, six more people would simply walk through while I stand there holding the door for them. Each of them with a miserable look on their face, and not one of them saying thankyou. My only consolation is that I'm sure each and everyone one of them is as unhappy in life as they looked.

I'm also a ninja shopper. It's a functional thing. Shopping is like taking a dump - get in, do the job, then get the hell out. Hopefully with your trousers still on.
What irritates me is when you are queuing up behind someone at the till. They have been stood there for the last two minutes, and yet when they are finally asked to pay, they almost act surprised. Fish around in their handbag and finally pull out their purse. But wait. "Do you have a *insert supermarket loyalty card here* madam?". Another 30s pause while she checks all 15 pockets before finally retrieving it. To top it off they will usually take half an hour over retrieving their bagged shopping from the ed of the till, delaying me even further.

It's common sense people. Make use of that queuing time to get everything ready. Christ, if I'm only buying a few items, I'll even start counting out approximately the right amount of money if paying cash.

This is my bugbear :mad:

As soon as I finish putting my shopping on the conveyor, I fish out my wallet and remove approximately the amount of cash I will need if it's a few items or my Maestro card if I have a trolley full. As soon as the checkout operator announces the total he/she has the cash or card thrust in his/her hand. By the time my shopping is bagged up, the transaction is complete and the next customer can move on through.
That, is genius.

Mystery comma?

I used to work at Tesco myself so I have a few stories to tell. The one about hiding from rude customers and pretending to look for stock raised a wry smile as I used to have very similar antics, but quick frankly; these people deserve it. It's like as soon as they enter the supermarket, they become the most arrogant and narcissistic person alive! Why some people take it upon themselves to attack normal workers over petty issues is beyond me. I swear, when I used to work there, people would literally look down their noses at me as if they were better than me as a human being. Ah well, I used to enjoy belittling such plebs, especially in front of their families; they soon learned.

Another type of customer which really irked me was the 'regular' who took it upon themselves to come to your till every time and make idle chit-chat, ignoring the fact that you don't really know them and chances are they're a very annoying individual! Of course, there is an exception to this rule as some people are very nice.

Anyway, from a customer's point of view -- I really hate people who are in too much of a hurry to show any consideration. I mean, I'm very much one of those 'get in and get out' types, but it doesn't hurt to be courteous! If someone is struggling, I will stop and help them (it doesn't hurt them to say 'thank you' either! The amount of times I've reached a product for someone as I've been shopping only to be greeted by a look of disgust is simply worrisome), if someone is walking slow, as much as it really annoys me, I'll slow down until the opportunity presents itself to pass rather than darting in and out causing yet more havoc.

Finally, the shopper I think I really dislike are those who can't even wait for you to finish packing your shopping before barging you out the way. Sometimes I've bought as much as I can literally carry and it can take copious amounts of aptitude to get it packed quickly and efficiently enough as the staff are chucking your food down at record speed. You hand over your cash/card and finish packing but before you've even entered your PIN, some dozy git is already pushing you out the way. For christ' sake; have a little patience!
He's commenting on the pretentious bourgeoise but hey, don't let a lettuce tell you what's what.

I'm well aware of what Tarquin represents thanks, I was of course, only joking. I guess you're still sore about me comparing your intellectual power to that of salad, but hey, you asked for it.
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