Supreme Commander small Multiplayer beta

So in other words we needed to get a key by signing up to the beta before hand on the official site, but betas are closed now and file planet are just hosting the file?

Is this the announcement that they were talking about? Or is that still to come? Perhaps more keys for FP subscribers?
Ive been refreshing fileplanet all day for this :P

My key is secure !

Get em while you can, everyone over on the supreme commander forums are going to be snatching them up.

Edit: getting some people posting saying there out of keys over at fileplanet already, that cant be more then 10 or 15minutes, this beta is hot stuff :)

edit2: I like the fact that they ran out of keys already, and they havent even changed the front page to say the beta is open for signups.
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I'm in :D

i played around with it and it really does feel like a sequel to TA

only problem is the HUD is way to big

but thankfully they say its fully mod able
Am I seeing this right? I have to give Fileplanet money to get a key?

Can't believe they're still trying to force their subscriptions on people :mad:
no one is forcing you to do anything there are other places that offer the beta key

I given up trying to get it working just goes black screen when i create a game and loads up etc then nothing
screw fileplanet and their exclusive deals.

they can go to hell.

i'll wait that bit longer and not pay them a penny thankyou very much.
im only playing on a amd 2500, 1gb ram and ati 9800 so any screenshots i take look rubbish as im playing on low res and low graphics but i guess its good that it works on that spec
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