Supreme Commander small Multiplayer beta

Is there anyway to have a game against just the AI? When I enter skirmish it doesn't have any options to select an AI allie/opponent.
i love the tactical camera in the bottom left of the screen. Watching my enemies naval yards it saved my fleet, I saw when he was moving his ships and intercepted :D.
Posty said:
Number41 how did you change the camera angle like that?

I hold ALT and then press the middle mouse button and move the mouse around. When I let go of the middle button it reverts back to standard view! Havent figured out how to hold it in that position as yet!

How are people playing Skirmish mode? All those options are grayed out in the Beta?
Played more today but i just cant get into it at all. and i was a massive fan of TA :eek: ,

My main gripes are that when zoomed out to a level where it is practical to build stuff the gfx are actually quiet poor, as i mentioned before it is difficult to determine which tank is which. I do like the massive maps and this is a step forward for RTS,

The single player campaign ay change my mind hopefully

Sadly i think this game might slump early. i mean its just a matter of time until you cant go play online without someone rushing your base in in 5 minutes, and game over where is the strategy there. Hope fully magazines /websites review it properly and dont just give it respect cause its ex-TA

I was sooooo looking forward to this one but it appears not to match up to the hype. Now waiting for world in conflict and the new C&C

How are people playing Skirmish mode? All those options are grayed out in the Beta?

there is a "Demo Extender" out to allow you to play skirmish and lan games ;)
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I felt the same, but I don't want to right the game off as it's still just a beta! The magazines are clearly going to give it 98%+ though!!!!
just played against computer for 10 mins, seemed very cool. now for some lan action! :)

when against computer i set them to turtle play style, popped downstairs to make a cuppa and came back to find my base being computely annihilated (scuse pun) by 3 large spider laser firing things :O
Bones said:
just played against computer for 10 mins, seemed very cool. now for some lan action! :)

when against computer i set them to turtle play style, popped downstairs to make a cuppa and came back to find my base being computely annihilated (scuse pun) by 3 large spider laser firing things :O

how the hell do i get this??? (the game)
Its pretty impossible to even play this game. 20 mins in with 4 players (Easy AI + myself) and its slowed to a crawl. I know its still in Beta but its just so unplayable I can't even get a feel for the game.

My system isn't bad either (A64 @ 3Ghz, 2gb ram and X1900XT) i know its supposed to work better with a dual core but a single core shouldn't have this much trouble. There also isn't anywhere near the maximum number of units per player because its so early on in the game they probably have 100ish each and Ive got less then 10 since I'm just tech'ing up to see what super units each side has. I'm gonna have to wait for another patch to sort out these slow down problems.
gizmoy2k said:
Played more today but i just cant get into it at all. and i was a massive fan of TA :eek: ,

My main gripes are that when zoomed out to a level where it is practical to build stuff the gfx are actually quiet poor, as i mentioned before it is difficult to determine which tank is which. I do like the massive maps and this is a step forward for RTS,

The single player campaign ay change my mind hopefully

Sadly i think this game might slump early. i mean its just a matter of time until you cant go play online without someone rushing your base in in 5 minutes, and game over where is the strategy there. Hope fully magazines /websites review it properly and dont just give it respect cause its ex-TA

I was sooooo looking forward to this one but it appears not to match up to the hype. Now waiting for world in conflict and the new C&C

there is a "Demo Extender" out to allow you to play skirmish and lan games ;)

*shakes head in dismay* its a ******* beta for crying out loud, what did you people expect ? jesus christ to personally give it his blessing >?>? :mad:

understand that the beta is there to basically check out the engine and AI systems, theres very little else with it. Supreme commander itself is 11 gig, the Beta is just 1.03 ... that should tell you something.

Im a beta tester for SupCom and im loving it, ive played TA at least once a month EVERY month since it came out, always with my TA/BF2 Clan and i can tell you supreme commander is everything TA should have been. obviously given its a beta its crippled in various ways including memory leaks, buttons that do nothing, things that dont work properly ect ect but your supposed to ignore the obvious faults as its a BETA.

Sadly i think this game might slump early. i mean its just a matter of time until you cant go play online without someone rushing your base in in 5 minutes,

if you cant learn to stop a rush, then thats your own fault. you and your oponent have equal capacitys for resource gathering and manufacture, its up to you to work out how to stop them. there will be those that rush, but there will also be people like me who will sit down at 10 a.m. on saturday morning and finish the game at 6 a.m. sunday morning,

as for people complaining about the slow down... HELLO>>>!!!!???? BETA?????

now quit your bitching. ;)
I'm pretty sure everyone knows its a Beta thats no reason to jump down peoples throats for giving an opinion. And since when does informing people about slowdown fall under "bitching"? All I said was I have problems running it.
i've having a hell of a time trying to get this to work, keeps giving me compile errors, guess thats the price u pay for a beta

/edit - finally got to work correctly

my thoughts -

wow, its very impressive, especially the scalling and zooming, its so smooth changing from all the way out to all the way in.

so far i've only had one skirmish, and i'm still figuring out what everything does. but i will deffinatly be getting this game when it comes out. as well as another monitor for some dual screen goodness :D
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In reply to loctus12 all i am saying that compared to previews and tech videos that i have seen i am dissapointed in how the game actually plays, even though it is beta,

Its all good seeing the videos but when it comes down to it its all about how the end-user achieves the gameplay shown in those videos that made us ALL go WOW!

From what i have played of the game most of what is seen in the vids will be unachiveable in online play as the game will simply not last long enough to build nukes etc,

Im not bashing the game, i suppose my expectations were just too high, i hope the final is better and i will be buying it, as i said the single player missions sound great, i just dont look forward to online gaming.

finally, as i said in my other post, i hope people are honest in their reviews and dont just give it credit cause its what TA should have been 7+ years ago, its all about what the game is now. i mean graphic wise i think its average at the mo, the map size and zoom out is great but close in things are just too small to tell quickly what they are

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geeza said:
However there other people, not just myself, who loves churning out a mass of units and going in for an all out war. Just now ive had a game of redalert 2 with 6 other computers on hardest, i dont like thinking about reparing units and sending medics out. Im all about a mass armies with nukes and weather storms and everything else flying about. I love a 'strategy' game that lasts 12 or so minutes otherwise i just get bored. longer obviously if you hold off and have a 100 tank battle

Hopefully this will just be what im looking for. (an improved, 3d version of redalert2, with bigger and more units/structures)


Think Total Annihalation not RA2 :p
badgermonkey said:

Think Total Annihalation not RA2 :p

Is Total Annihalation better than RA2? Ive got the cd but installed then uninstalled it for some reason ive forgotten
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