Surreal thing happened to me today...

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21 Jun 2006
And how much more money would that cost?
When you're paying my taxes, you can go spend them however you like.

less than 8% was it crimes are solved in the UK.

money shouldn't be an issue.

it basically shows you can get away with crime here. especially when coppers are busy stopping folk on scooters rather than chasing up leads to actual crimes.
Man of Honour
17 Nov 2003
Southampton, UK
And how much more money would that cost?
When you're paying my taxes, you can go spend them however you like.

It also requires more officers to be available, which isn't always the case.

The fact more turned up is due to the emergency button activation. If you've been a victim of crime and you have an officer taking your account, they may leave half way through to attend that type of emergency call. These officers aren't always uncommitted.
18 Oct 2004
less than 8% was it crimes are solved in the UK.

money shouldn't be an issue.

it basically shows you can get away with crime here. especially when coppers are busy stopping folk on scooters rather than chasing up leads to actual crimes.

You mean, actual crimes like resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer in the process?
11 Sep 2013
money shouldn't be an issue.
Then why are you wasting mine on even more officers who still won't be able to solve the crime?

it basically shows you can get away with crime here. especially when coppers are busy stopping folk on scooters rather than chasing up leads to actual crimes.
Had a cop stopped that girl from ILLEGALLY riding her e-scooter in public, her dead body might not be plastered all over the pavement and this forum...
14 Jan 2018
less than 8% was it crimes are solved in the UK.

money shouldn't be an issue.

it basically shows you can get away with crime here. especially when coppers are busy stopping folk on scooters rather than chasing up leads to actual crimes.

It was an ‘actual crime’. If he just co operated he would have been given a fine at worst, most times officers are just educating users of the law there was a news piece on BBC last week about them.
14 Aug 2018
Crinkle been on the juice already.
Sonny brought trolling to new lows.
Well summed up.

Well done @HoneyBadger, it was a brave and right thing to do. I have a knife wound scar on my arm after doing a similar thing when somebody was getting robbed at a cash machine. Though because we've had some previous training (Judo in my case) then it makes it a little easier to act.

Although one can not really criticise people for wanting to go home to their family rather than take the risk of helping a stranger that might ultimately cost them their lives.

Criticising the Policeman is simply just daft. As others have said, even if you feel unfairly singled out you still have to comply with what they are saying without resorting to swearing at them or violence. If you feel it is unjust then have your day in court should it get to that. If you are convinced you're in the right then I've found in my experience the Judge often favours Joe Public when the issue is not black and white; you'll get credit just for showing up in court.
18 Oct 2002
Liverpool -> London
the guy was riding a scooter - in the general scheme of things no real harm done. it's not as if he had just knifed someone or set off a bomb or beat up his wife. so OP didn't know who was in the right or wrong.

i also believe the police officer tried to detain the person and they simply didn't want to be detained.

he was then making the judgement call that the police officer was in the right even though he had no idea what was going on, could be an illegal detainment. police officers are human. humans can make mistakes and you do have corrupt coppers out there too. without any facts he shouldn't be intervening when the guy has caused no harm to anyone bar the person detaining them and in that instance has used just enough force to stop them detaining him.

all he had to do was let him go. then chase it up later when he had his fellow officers with him or send out an APB and request back up. he had no idea who was in the right or wrong and it's being automatically assumed the officer was in the right with no facts.

i would like to see what OP had done if there was no police officer. but a civilian trying to stop the guy with the scooter. would he have helped? i seriously doubt it. which again shows just because they are a police officer they must be in the right and cannot possibly be wrong.

i had a police officer who i had asked for help state that x was y. I then read out the law to them stating x was x and they then tried to use an excerpt to say they had reasonable cause. i then had to read out to said police officer reasonable cause in such circumstances is for as an example emergency services cutting someone out a car to save their life. therefore said person couldn't get emergency services done for vandalism for damaging the car as they had reasonable cause to damage the car; to save the persons life who was trapped in said car. but if some yob decides smash your car up to get into it isn't excluded under reasonable cause like emergency services are. officer refused to listen when pointed out they were wrong on both accounts until i asked to speak to their boss. who fully agreed with me.

so you can't assume they are correct and know the law.

Conscript again beat me to it but...

Ah, finally something semi-sensible as opposed to a troll/wind up...

Well no, he clearly didn't want to have a chat, slap on the wrist, be detained or arrested at all as he tried to do a runner!?

The OP did have a little more than an idea of what was going on, as he clearly saw him on an illegal vehicle and that was what the guy was being stopped about!?

...The guy was only giving sweets out to kids outside a school...he was only walking the streets at 2am with a knife in his hand...they had only scaled the fence of the Nuclear power station...he/she was only doing 45mph in a 30 mph zone etc. Where do you draw the line and actually stop someone that's either doing something illegal or in all likelihood, will lead to something illegal happening shortly. I would hope any copper worth his or her salt will try and prevent crime and the likelihood of it happening in the not too distant future.

If a copper in this country asks you to step out of your car (if that's what your inferring to in the latter part of your post) then whether you know why they're asking you to do so or not, it's probably wise you do as they ask. You can have a quick safe chat about whatever the issue may or may not be and be on your way...or you can do a runner like the guy in the OP and likely be in more trouble later on...or be all bolshy about it and stay in your car - at which point you may have your car inspected for the slightest infraction. It's your call at the end of the day, but I'm pretty sure there's only one sensible option. All this 'fight the system' went out in the 80s I'm sorry to say...

*Just to quantify things a little from my distant past here. I and many others were involved in the Toxteth riots of 1981. No one in Liverpool liked the cops back then due to them completely abusing their powers. There were plenty of reasons behind the riots but one favourite of the cops back then was to pick up small groups of youths (having a ciggie on the corner of a street, going to a youth club or simply doing absolutely nothing as there was nothing to do etc) and give them a kicking in the back of vans and then kick them out miles from anywhere. As a consequence many of us both initiated and got into fights with them - small ones, big ones and the ones where you knew that if you got grabbed by them you could expect a long term in hospital (if you were lucky). Sometimes we'd single out one or two of them if the chance was right too - it was nasty for a time back them. Welp...since then both I and the cops in this country have mellowed quite a bit I find lol. Since then I've probably had a couple of hundred talks/chats about very minor issues with cops across the country and not once was I detained at all and I merrily went on my way.
28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
it basically shows you can get away with crime here. especially when coppers are busy stopping folk on scooters rather than chasing up leads to actual crimes.

Surely for all we know, the big guy on the scooter might have just been reported for mugging an old lady (or someone matching his description) and the Policeman wanted to ask him some questions, he refused and tried to scarper...
11 Sep 2013
I would hope any copper worth his or her salt will try and prevent crime and the likelihood of it happening in the not too distant future.
I hope the cops all cower behind an aversion to assisting Big Brother bureaucracy and, for fear of being stabbed, simply stand there videoing crimes for later posting on social media....

All this 'fight the system' went out in the 80s I'm sorry to say...
And now ya do what they told ya....
And now ya do what they told ya....
And now ya do what they told ya....

there's too much drama in this thread from everyone
Aw, you're just jealous of our superior performances, dahling!!
17 Feb 2006
I never said they did hate the Police...
I do assert that they perhaps don't deserve to have others put their lives at risk when they're not willing to risk their own, though.
Going to ignore the nonsense about wish me an agonising death, lol. Take your meds, man.

By the logic of the bit I've quoted, we don't "deserve" to have our military fight on our behalf (the govt's behalf really) unless we're prepared to go sweep a minefield in Afghanistan. It doesn't really make for a great argument.
come out with that stuff you posted above to friends and family of those 1st responders in NY around 9/11 and i think you would get a bonk on the nose - or worse!., (and am not even going to go into the whole date being the wrong way around such is the seriousness of 9/11!)
Why are we talking about US police and firemen now? I wasn't aware the UK and the US was interchangeable in a discussion.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Ottakring, Vienna.
Really? Then why do I always get stopped when out riding my bike in the small hours? Not doing anything wrong or illegal, yet 9/10 times that I'm out I get stopped by some condescending idiot on a power trip.
Higher chance of you being intoxicated.
Higher chance of you being up to no good.
Quieter time therefore the Police have more time to investigate "could be nothing" events.

Generally "condescending idiot on a power trip" is not the prime motivator.
18 Oct 2002
Liverpool -> London
Really? Then why do I always get stopped when out riding my bike in the small hours? Not doing anything wrong or illegal, yet 9/10 times that I'm out I get stopped by some condescending idiot on a power trip.

Down to the area/crime rate of the area? I'm out and about in and around London on a scooter and motorbike and both have very loud exhausts, at all hours too sometimes and I've never been stopped - same when I was on a push bike for many years in a few different areas. I ware high viz clothing and I'm sensible when I should be is about all I can add!?
23 May 2006
Going to ignore the nonsense about wish me an agonising death, lol. Take your meds, man.

By the logic of the bit I've quoted, we don't "deserve" to have our military fight on our behalf (the govt's behalf really) unless we're prepared to go sweep a minefield in Afghanistan. It doesn't really make for a great argument.

Why are we talking about US police and firemen now? I wasn't aware the UK and the US was interchangeable in a discussion.
So it's only UK police you have an issue with then? That hardly seems fair ;)

Point is there are rogue officers both sides of the pond but the vast majority are fine imo but it's only the bad eggs which make headlines, therefore those who take those headlines as gospel are being irresponsible. Bottom line copper says stop you stop and if you refuse even if not guilty of any crime you only have yourself to blame if things go sideways.
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17 Feb 2006
So it's only UK police you have an issue with then? That hardly seems fair ;)

Point is there are rogue officers both sides of the pond but the vast majority are fine imo but it's only the bad eggs which make headlines, therefore those who take those headlines as gospel are being irresponsible. Bottom line copper says stop you stop and if you refuse even if not guilty of any crime you only have yourself to blame if things go sideways.
What is it with people putting words into my mouth? Maybe you're thinking of another poster?

I said I wouldn't get involved. I wouldn't take the risk of getting injured.

In your mind that means I have an issue with the police? Where in this thread did I say that?
18 Oct 2002
Good on you for stepping in and helping, sometimes the world seems to be getting more and more like this little video .

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7 Jul 2004
N.W. England
Well done OP.

I'd like to think I still live in a place of the UK, where that would be the normal response.
I can understand some forum members response that they wouldn't want to get involved as they may get stabbed, etc.
That just shows me how far some parts of the uk have fallen.
Thank god I don't have to live there.
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