Surreal thing happened to me today...

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5 Apr 2009
I just want to draw the mods attention to this, as the more I read it the more there seems to be an implied threat there.
Question, if he comes to kill you and starts to overpower the police officer trying to stop him do you want us to help out the officer or just stand and watch? :p
11 Sep 2013
I just want to draw the mods attention to this, as the more I read it the more there seems to be an implied threat there.
Stop reading it, then. You seem to get yourself all twisted up whenever you do.
The 'implication' is that your reasoning for not wanting to help is what enables such situations to occur and persist.

Nah, but it does look like he's calling himself a scrote :p
I'm saying I might be...

He says he's gonna kill you IRL to prove his point.
You know me well enough to understand that I don't do subtle. If that were my intent, I'd say so quite plainly...

You need to call a strong capable police officer or officers to aid you. Don't get any crap ones that snivel and beg for help.
They won't help. They might get hurt... and I might target their families in some sort of grudge.
It's OK, though - I disagree with the laws they're enforcing, so I can just walk away...
17 Feb 2006
Question, if he comes to kill you and starts to overpower the police officer trying to stop him do you want us to help out the officer or just stand and watch? :p
Is he also riding a scooter illegally?

Stop reading it, then. You seem to get yourself all twisted up whenever you do.
The 'implication' is that your reasoning for not wanting to help is what enables such situations to occur and persist.
If you aren't clear about what you mean you can't keep blaming the person reading it for not knowing what you were thinking at the time you posted it.

I mean, come on, be reasonable.

So far about three of us all think you meant something different. Imho just writing something like (and I quote) "I might be the one killing you" is a very, very bad idea.
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11 Sep 2013
If you aren't clear about what you mean you can't keep blaming the person reading it for not knowing what you were thinking at the time you posted it.
Sorry, was I not writing in English? Apologies, I do have the annoying tendency to slip into Ancient Greek every now and then. Benefits of a classical education...

So far about three of us all think you meant something different.
Again, looking for hidden meanings... This isn't a Dan Brown novel. I don't do clever **** like hidden meanings in my words, and have already advised against trying to 'interpret' what I say. I said 'might' for a very good reason...

Imho just writing something like (and I quote) "I might be the one killing you" is a very, very bad idea.
So in your world 'might' = 'I definitely will', yes?
17 Feb 2006
Sorry, was I not writing in English? Apologies, I do have the annoying tendency to slip into Ancient Greek every now and then. Benefits of a classical education...

Again, looking for hidden meanings... This isn't a Dan Brown novel. I don't do clever **** like hidden meanings in my words, and have already advised against trying to 'interpret' what I say. I said 'might' for a very good reason...

So in your world 'might' = 'I definitely will', yes?
Calm down, take your meds. You're spouting nonsense. You say you don't do "subtle" but you seem to do "unhinged" fairly well.

Just saying (and I quote) "I might kill you" is a bad idea. A terrible idea. I don't think there's any need for it in what has been a fairly civil conversation.
10 May 2012
Final thought, why should the government charge me for my services for another person, if i make £100 off someone for doing a job for them, thats my own labour, the government do not own my labour..

You do realise you can be conscripted into the Army should a war break out? You are literally a subject of the Queen
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