I find this quite an interesting topic actually and whenever I see this topic I remember of when I worked part-time in GAME some years ago. We had 'training' on age restrictions (PEGI etc) and were warned that selling games to anyone underage would lead to a hefty fine and / or imprisonment.
The number of times parents would come in and try to buy GTA for little Jonny and I would try and explain to them the content of the game. Sometimes they were shocked and didn't buy it, other time they took an "I don't care" attitude and bought it anyway.
Other times little Jonny would come in and try to buy and it and I would refuse, only for his parents to come in 20 minutes later and give me abuse because they've had their coffee interrupted to come and buy this game because I won't sell it to their son. Trying to explain age ratings and game content normally lead to more abuse and buying the game anyway.
Imaginary violence is not a problem in itself, it's the ignorance of parents and exposure of imaginary violence to children who are not mature enough to cope that is the problem.