Survive The Forest

Probably going to buy this, let's hope the dev finishes the game and we all don't get burned.

I think they will finish, they've done great work so far and they were number one on Steam when the early access purchase became available so hopefully they won't be short on money any time soon :)
steam just downloaded a small update, is this the Save fix?

... can't see any update notes or news.

[edit] nope.
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FAQ shows that coop could most likely be a possibility in the future. Will be a must have then since it will rule out the pointless killing like on Rust and Day-Z.
Anyone know if SLI support is coming or how to enable it? I'm getting ~40fps on a single GTX670, other one at 0-2%

How do you see controls info? In options there are only graphics
It's a very early build (indeed, the first public build), SLI and crossfire support will likely come at a much later date, some games don't even have proper SLI/X-Fire profiles when fully launched so I imagine we'll be waiting a while for multi-GPU support.
The part where you are taken to the cave could use a few cut-scenes to convey what actually happens to you after you are 'knocked out'.

This is what happened to me as the inhabitants seemed to turn up very quickly and were surrounding me when I emerged from the plane.

Running away seems to help somewhat but - as does fighting one at a time aslong as your back isn't turned on another as they love to hit you over the back of the head.

I'm going to try again tonight but try making a hasty retreat from the plane and seeing if I can build a shelter and maybe craft a weapon or two or traps and survive the night without getting ambushed!

Really loving the atmosphere of the game, the hairs on the back of my neck were literally standing up when I spotted the tribes people encircling & stalking me!!! :(
I wouldn't worry about them turning up the first time, seems at the moment they will find you wherever you are that first time and take you to the cave. After that you need to be worried about them turning up.
I wouldn't worry about them turning up the first time, seems at the moment they will find you wherever you are that first time and take you to the cave. After that you need to be worried about them turning up.

As soon as I got out of the crashed plane and found the axe, I ran like a crazy person towards the closest mutant

and got put down :(
Challenge time: Successfully build two log cabins without getting attacked.

If you define "getting attacked" I'll accept the challenge, gives me an excuse to put a video up! :p

#1 - Getting actually hit by a mutant that takes damage?
#2 - Not being found by the mutants using stealth to avoid them?
Are you safe in the plane? Can you build a lean to shelter against the plane to let you climb back in?

Can't try, I'm at work.

Someone did post earlier on in this thread that they build a shelter against the plane and used traps to stop them getting in (and I think it worked?) and used effigies.
Are you safe in the plane? Can you build a lean to shelter against the plane to let you climb back in?

Can't try, I'm at work.

You can walk back into the plane, it's like an invisible ramp, but the mutants seem to scour the area shortly after you land, best to keep a safe-ish distance, I find away from the beach and in a open area to be the best, but you can hide yourself in the plane with walls blocking it.
I hope they don't change the difficulty of the cannibals. For me they're difficult enough to put fear into you and wet your pants but really rewarding to get rid of. The first cannibal i killed ended up like that scene in Shaun of the Dead, where i just went ballistic over his body with a rock.
I cant even collect stuff - I ran around for a bit, saw some tribes people and bug set in that constantly swung the axe up and down - so I just headed for the tribes... then died

Anyone know how to view all controls???
Well worth £10. Played for 2 hours across 3 lives, pretty epic and I like the random generation of the plane crash. I would like saving before I play again though, hopefully the hotfix they bring out next will fix the saving like they say :)
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