3rd trailer is out:
Alpha coming out on 22nd May. Already set a reminder
For people that want more information there is a Q&A on the forums:
http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/143803558/540732888934530799/ and some more information here:
My thoughts:
- Graphics look pretty good. They are using "
Screen-Space Sub Surface Scattering" for the skin and it looks very good
- Nice animations.
- Traps look good, but hopefully the ai will be smart enough to spot and avoid them some of the time.
- Crafting looks a bit simple. In that video it looks like 1 log is turned into a large part of a wall. Hopefully they bring out a "hardcore" mode with more realism, or maybe there wouldn't be enough trees?
- He used a lighter as a source of light in the caves. Is this unlimited? That'd ruin part of the horror if you always had a big light source. If it's not unlimited where does he get the fuel from, the plane wreckage?
- Fishing/cooking! I hope they expand upon this to other animals. Could you even cook the mutants you kill? omnomnom
- Bigger monsters. I'm not sure what to think about this, I quite like just having the "mutants" that really just looked like a tribe.
- What caused the mutant to explode towards the end of the video? The fire alone? Can you make other weapons/explosives?