Suspicious Parking Penalty

Just an update:

Received this now, why have they referred it to another company? Check out the amount outstanding!

They are baliffs, however I doubt they can do anything because, according to that letter, they have not been appointed by a court.

To put an end to it, I'd write back asking for proof and if they cant provide it then the matter is closed, as many people have done above.
Just an update:

Received this now, why have they referred it to another company? Check out the amount outstanding!


because they know they cant legally force you to pay

so they've sold it on to another debt company who reckon they will have better luck using more scary sounding warnings.

i suggest you file all correspondance under B for "bin" :D
Absolutely standard scare tactics- It'll be referred to 3 or 4 of them before they give up, each with their own little letter and set of useless threats.
Plain and simple, ignore them. I've been doing it to all sorts of people for years.

Post on the CAG forums if it makes you feel any better- They'll pick it to pieces :)

CAG forums?

I received one of those letters in London once, it was from the council though and had CCTV screengrabs of me waiting for a few mins on double yellows :O

Was £50 now or £100 if paid within 14 days!
They are not court appointed so they are not bailiffs!

CAG is Consumer Action Group.

Indeed: bailiffs =/= debt collectors and bailiffs are appointed only if you lose in court. Debt collectors will just use scare tactics unless you tell them to stop hassling you or you'll report them (the exact law clause I have posted on here before).
To re-iterate... GO TO CAG and follow their procedure with their letter templates. Some of the obviously well intentioned advice in this thread is incorrect.

They are not "fines", there are no "offences" and a private company cannot legally levy a "penalty". Oh, and they certainly cannot "drop the charges", as they are not officers of the Crown, nor able to charge anyone in the first place.

Ignore them, or fob them off. Certainly I'd be sending the debt collector a "refer to sender, this debt is already in dispute" letter. Passing on to a third party (eg debt collector) a debt that is already in dispute is an offence and a breach of the terms of a consumer credit license. Worth reading up on, and certainly worth scaring the company with.

At the end of the day, private "contravention/enforcement" notices are balderdash. Again, in case you missed it, go read up on CAG's forum. :) Nothing in this post should be construed as legal advice, nor is such a service being inferred or implied. It is opinion only. Seek professional legal advice if you have any concerns. Etc. :D
Oh, and my view is that if after reading all this and whether you go to CAG or not, you then pay up then you are not only a mug but you are polluting our world just like people who buy spam. (products off the spam emails)
Don't fall for it, don't give in, keep fighting. I and countless others have had these or very similar letters. Have they found your phone number yet? The debt collection company that were chasing me got hold of my number and would ring most evenings about 7:30-8pm, sometimes with a nice polite phonecall, sometimes just downright nasty and threatening, but at the end of the day, they can't do anything. I was told several times people were coming to my house to collect 'their' money, nothing ever happened. Until they take you to court, which they won't, they can't do anything but ask you for the money. Tell them to stick it.
Well this has certainly been an interesting read guys and definitely good to know that you can stick it to these thieving sheisters. I laughed when it went from £75/150 to £225! What a joke!
Cheers chaps, I've read a little on CAG and i've seen the 'refer to sender' letter and may send it off when I can be bothered.
Hahahaha!!! Newlyn!

Not seen that name for a while - yes they sent me the same letter and somehow got my home phone number. When they called I told them that I was disputing the matter with Civil Enforcement Ltd and that the matter should not have escalated to the 'debt collection' stage.

I also told them that if they phoned my home number again that I would report them for harassment. Didn't hear anything again.

Do NOT give in to them!!
Cheers chaps, I've read a little on CAG and i've seen the 'refer to sender' letter and may send it off when I can be bothered.

I wouldn't even bother with that. You don't have to put any effort in to it, running through hoops for them. Just ignore them. They'll stop after a while.

I know this because I've had the same with Eurodouchebags, I mean parks.
If a legal eagle would like to validate this, go ahead please.

But, as far as I am aware - any letter signed by an idividual but that individuals name is not clearly legible is not bound by law nor is it representative of any law.

<goes off to find appropriate book on English law>
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