7 Jul 2003
I have just resubbed to SWG again after being away for over a year, I thought I would give it a chance as I enjoyed the game so much before the NGE.

I cannot believe how empty the game feels now, I have visited Theed, Dant etc all the places that were buzzing with life when I first started playing the game, the whole game just feels hollow and void of players.

How SOE and LA are happy with the current game and subscribers I will never understand.

Their is talk and its just talk of a SWG classic server, I honestly felt that when the CU arrived it had improved the game, and had got used to how the game run, but the current game to me feels very alien and not user friendly.

Oh well the maons have been heard before, but I wondr if their any many people who prefer the current game to the previous set up?
I enjoyed the starting area from the free trial station, felt like "Star Wars" the way it should be as I didn't like any of the previous versions (especially Jedi as player characters in civil war era). The space combat certainly felt improved since initial JtL release. The main problem I have with the NGE is that Jedi are starting characters and now everyone seems to want to go them. The Elder Jedi now seem very arrogant when no-one else seems to care about their "elder" status.

I made the mistake though of paying to get out of the station and ended up on Mos Eisley and it seemed very empty of players, even at peak time when I was playing. In the end I gave up the game for dead and gave it a year before they had to ditch the NGE.

Let's hope that if there is a new version of the game it won't have as many bugs as SWG, or SOE running it due to the way they treated customers over the NGE release.
Ive just returned to SWG.

I quit before the CU hit.

The servers are empty but slowly people are coming back, well on mine any how.

I dont mind the new style, seems more akin to WOW, thus far. Only gripe I have is that everyone is a bleedin Jedi.

So ive decided to go BH and kill em all...muhahahahah.

If you happen to be EU-Chimeara drop Thrash or Ryssa a /t
Im from Chimeara too, though i won't be retuning to SWG.
The community is no longer there.

Staying well clear of SOE after what they did to SWG.

I stopped playing before they messed it up but I enjoyed it when I did play, shame to hear it went down hill.
Would be great if a company like Bioware did a new version of this game as after the update this game doesnt even deserver to be called a game. More like an expensive yet horrible coaster.
Hmm the early SWG did have a kind of Ultima Online feel to it with pretty much free class selection.

It was pretty crap tho. PVP was funny but i wouldnt be anything but a Rifleman if they released a classic server.

THen again a classic server wouldn't really work because you need the crafters and general noob population to keep the game going.

THerefore i think SWG has had its time and should be slowley digested in the belly of a Sarlacc.

What servers did you all play? i unlocked jedi and sold my account. so i quit way before the CU.

When i way playing dicks like "mighty" where making weapons on tatooine,
They wrecked it as soon as The hoverbikes came in. Don't know why taht would wreck it but it did.

After the bikes came in you could never find any krayt dragon hunting partys, no squill partys. Or any other mass player hunts. Then when they brought space in it got even worse.
Ive been playing on and off for the past few months, they have made some good changes recently with the target lock and expertise trees. PvP is a lot more fun with the Restuss battleground and there are absolutly heaps of quests to get stuck into.

It may never be what it was but heres hoping all the little changes they are making will eventually turn the game full circle, lets hope they make the game physx enabled as well :D <------(little dig at another thread)
There's a great quote from a Stephen Donaldson book that always comes to mind when I think of SWG :

"If you want to hurt a man who's lost everything, give him back something broken".
Efour2 said:
When i way playing dicks like "mighty" where making weapons on tatooine,

Haha I remember him, he seemed to play 24 hours a day somehow and was the first very high ranking jedi I saw. Kind of made me want to forget about pvping as I never bothered going for my fs slot.

Wow's been boring me a bit of late and I occasionally toy with the idea of seeing how things are with all the changes that have been made. I had a master doc/master swordsman and also a tkm/smuggler/pistoleer on two accounts, I understand the entire skill system has been changed so does anyone know what state these characters would be in if I were to activate one of them? Would there be a 'refund' of sorts so my characters wouldn't have to start from square one again?
raf said:
Would there be a 'refund' of sorts so my characters wouldn't have to start from square one again?

Yes it's called a respec and you'd be about lvl 80 or above with both those characters (Max lvl is 90 IIRC).

My god I feel sick with rage even talking about this.
I was sad to hear they axed my fav profession, Bio Engineer, I grinded that so hard you wouldnt believe :). Loved it, had a shop on tatooine an everything.

I left before they axed it, not sure when it was. It was fun but I eventually just gave up and logged on one day to find I had forgot to pay the bills and my house was gone, all my harvesters were gone as well. Shame, I had fun buzzing around all the planets on my speeder collecting my produce and then going back to my home to make the orders :).

Cant really complain about the combat, never did pvp much myself.
Ouch, not heard anything good at all about the new 'improved' swg thus far.
Maybe I'll give EVE a whirl some time instead :)
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