Úlfhednar said:
Because it is ABSOLUTE CRAP! :)

Poor old swg, it was a great game at launch :p
I'll never forget wandering around tatooine for hours, finding jabba's palace and having nasty run-ins with tusken raiders along the way.
For me the game started to go down the pan when they introduced player cities, it seemed to suck the player base out of the 'real' cities and pvp became a large scale thing with guild vs guild raids rather than small parties of people fighting it out in bestine, ancorhead and theed.
Aye, *sniff.* :( I played it since launch, and thought it went completely down the pan when the first "combat upgrade" was introduced. The game was great before that day.

I agree with you though, player cities didn't do much help, but I think speederbikes were one of the worst things to happen. Before speederbikes, I remember everyone talking in cantinas and bragging about a new place they'd found or about a new badge they got, and nobody knew where these things were, but once speederbikes were introduced the massive and mysterious worlds in that game turned into completely small and boring places.
Destroying speederbikes and mounts was one of the more interesting apsects of pvp when they were first introduced into the game though ;)
raf said:
Destroying speederbikes and mounts was one of the more interesting apsects of pvp when they were first introduced into the game though ;)
LOL, so true. :D I have some very fond memories of sitting overt with my rifleman and uberl33t T-21 outside AH waiting for TEF or overt rebels to come speeding by. :p
Úlfhednar said:
LOL, so true. :D I have some very fond memories of sitting overt with my rifleman and uberl33t T-21 outside AH waiting for TEF or overt rebels to come speeding by. :p

LOL man you were not alone i loved doing that.

One of the biggest highlites of SWG was the patch where vehicles would leave a copy of themself where you last left them and would slowley start to blow up.

Man i rember late one night going to coronet starport to look for some DOC buffs and there being about 200 speeder bikes all exploding and humming.

That was seriously the funniest/ laggiest moment in SWG :O
If theres one thing I really hate about MMOs is when they map everything out for you, you dont need to communicate, you dont need to explore. Whats the point of massive planets and environments if its all mapped out down the smallest detail for you.

I can see on some games this just wouldnt work,but on some I could see it massivly improving the community so they acctually have to talk to people in the local meeting places to find new stuff, or at least go on some massive exploration trip into the wilderness armed with only there weapons/skill and some food.

Bah im going on a bit now.
Nieldo said:
Bah im going on a bit now.

Nah your not going on what you have said is true. If everything wernt mapped out then it would add a lot more to the game.
I play on farstar, I still play, I'm currently Master BH, but with the new Expertise system, i have yet to beat a jedi with the 10k heal, but then again, i'm only BH for the cash.

Anyone on farstar wants to say hi, ingame nick is either dremi or nenyk
Jackal said:
I play on farstar, I still play, I'm currently Master BH, but with the new Expertise system, i have yet to beat a jedi with the 10k heal, but then again, i'm only BH for the cash.

Anyone on farstar wants to say hi, ingame nick is either dremi or nenyk

Jedi with a 10k heal??...............

Jedi got nurfed a few months back from 6.3k to 5k heals, BH can heal for less but more often than jedi now
Seriously, hearing you talk about the NGE makes me angrier than pretty much anything else ever.

I can't even begin to describe the levels to which I'd go to get this game back.
Id happily go back and play the original SWG, before the space addon even came out. It was my first modern mmo after Ultima. I wasted many a month on that game, to the opint i would go to bed and my dreams would have the canteena music in :D

I lost my wookie character with the changes, he was a master creature tamer with several high other skills. Now you cant even tame animals, bloody idiots.

I would love for someone to come along and start a new Star Wars mmorpg that was along the lines of the early SWG but it will never happen.

The new targetting system is pants, the skill trees are just useless and worst of all, the galaxies are empty!! Id rather have the annoying lag you always encountered on the main planets, but now there nothing. Its like running across the wilderness for hours and hours, you will never meet a soul. The guilds are dead, their halls are empty, theres just no one there!

Ive been back once since the latest changes, played for a week, hit lvl 30 and never ever had a challenge. I was taking on creatures you wouldnt dare attack normally and winning, i just couldnt see the point in carrying on!!

Well after watching this: http://www.swg-clone.org/Caio/MemoriesCaio.wmv

I have just posted this on my old guild's forum:
**** it I cant take it this game is worse then ****, how some of you have gone back to it and are enjoying it I will never understand, and those of you that have stayed and still pay the same if not more money a month to play a worse game then you started with need your head examined, it really is that bad, I feel sorry for anyone new, thats if SOE get any new customers who dont know how good the game was before the NGE and do not know what they have missed.

I really need an online game but I got bored in Wow need something that mixes ut up a bit, still got guildwars at least its free to play, I think SOE should pay you guys to play SWG.

Their is hope of the SWGemu getting off the ground and apperently LA have had a meeting with the team behind it, I honestly get angry thinking of what the game was about I started in 2003, spent months holo grinding to get my Jedi, 30 profession's later got stiched up by the Publich 9 rubbish, unlocked a few days after and started work on my Armorsmith for 8 weeks, got my Jedi, spent months grinding to Jedi Knight, spent months turning my Armorsmith into one of the best on the server, made well over a billion credits, run a shop, had a jedi loved the game and now look at it. Well the only losers are SOE who must be losing lots and lots of $$$$$ every month everyone I knew had 2-4 accounts. Just reading all these replies shows how people feel.
*Sigh* the SWG emu thing again for god's sake. IT WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.

A free server that's miles better than the paid one, using sony's intellectual property. It would completely steal what remains of their player base. Yeah, I'm sure they'd be all for that.
Elrein said:
Jedi with a 10k heal??...............

Jedi got nurfed a few months back from 6.3k to 5k heals, BH can heal for less but more often than jedi now

i just respec'd back to jedi and now have a 10k heal....
Taken from http://www.shadowsinmotion.com/swg-server-population-revealed

It’s probably safe to say that most of us are aware of the NGE that has essentially destroyed Star Wars Galaxies. There has been a lot of talk on gaming sites about how drastically the population on this MMORPG’s servers have dwindled. Many have speculated that server pops were merely in the hundreds.

Now it seems as though that speculation was accurate.

It turns out that the SWG servers sends the population numbers of each server to the game client when a person logs in. This is used by the client to determine if the server has a heavy, medium, or light load, which is the information presented to the player. A curious gamer ran a packet sniffer on his computer and checked the information that it logged to determine the number of players currently logged into Star Wars Galaxies.

This information was taken on a Friday evening:

ID: 24 - Name: Europe-Infinity - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0334
ID: 23 - Name: Europe-FarStar - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0133
ID: 22 - Name: Europe-Chimaera - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0331
ID: 1C - Name: Shadowfire - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0518
ID: 1B - Name: Wanderhome - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0462
ID: 1A - Name: Tarquinas - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0456
ID: 19 - Name: Starsider - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0414
ID: 13 - Name: Tempest - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0457
ID: 12 - Name: Valcyn - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0455
ID: 11 - Name: Sunrunner - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0493
ID: 10 - Name: Scylla - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0457
ID: 0F - Name: Naritus - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0496
ID: 0E - Name: Kettemoor - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0522
ID: 0D - Name: Intrepid - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0456
ID: 0C - Name: Flurry - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0473
ID: 0B - Name: Radiant - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0266
ID: 0A - Name: Lowca - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0227
ID: 09 - Name: Kauri - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0245
ID: 08 - Name: Gorath - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0271
ID: 07 - Name: Eclipse - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0397
ID: 06 - Name: Chilastra - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0357
ID: 05 - Name: Bloodfin - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0441
ID: 04 - Name: Corbantis - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0460
ID: 03 - Name: Ahazi - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0520
ID: 02 - Name: Bria - IP: - PortA: 44463 - PortB: 44462 - Population: 0722

This provides a very interesting peek into the actual state of Star Wars Galaxies. Numbers like these cut painfully through the hype and positive PR spinning to reveal the truth of the game’s current state, and I would not be surprised if SOE changes the information that is sent from their servers to hide this data.
you can never go back, that quote about the man who has lost everything is so true.
I almost started playing SWG, but I was too involved with EVE to get another MMORPG at the time, glad I didn't as I know it would have upset me to see things change like this.
It's certainly a sad sad day for SWG, but I think things are on the up.

Lucasarts have given the go ahead to the PRE-CU SWGemu team (Providing it goes through the L.A network) which means that there's no stopping it this time.

The force is strong with this one.
Zefan said:
It's certainly a sad sad day for SWG, but I think things are on the up.

Lucasarts have given the go ahead to the PRE-CU SWGemu team (Providing it goes through the L.A network) which means that there's no stopping it this time.

The force is strong with this one.

The rumour about the LA network is false and the swgemu team have been stating this on the webpage where this new items appeared, in the forums there and also the swgemu forums.

Seems that was jumping the gun as the talks between the emu team and LA/SOE will remain secret for now. LA/SOE are happy to let it go on for now but we don't what was said yet other than this little bit of info.

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