Ah yes, I remember the days pre space expansion, pre NGE and pre CU.

Now that was a game, with all the different professions, the exploration, the community, the Star Wars universe all around you.

Now, now what we have is trash.
I've never played SWG but why don't SOE roll the patches back to when it used to be good? They're not blind, they can see that they've lost subscribers and that the population is rubbish.

Has there ever been an official word from SOE on this?
PiKe said:
Has there ever been an official word from SOE on this?

Yes, they've said there will be NO rollback.

But then again they said that they wouldn't do a big change like the CU again. I don't take anything they say seriously.

I imagine L.A are getting a bit miffed at the abuse of their license however, and when the contract's up I can see them looking elsewhere/demanding a code rollback. That'd make me the happiest chappy ever.
Everyone knows why the game went why it did, all that moaning we want we need they have the shouldnt have etc etc

They got their UBER class and now everyone has it for free lol

Blame the 1st jedi that ever moaned and theres your culprit, they should have NEVER removed permadeath end of!

(runs and hides from the backlash)
Elrein said:
Everyone knows why the game went why it did, all that moaning we want we need they have the shouldnt have etc etc

They got their UBER class and now everyone has it for free lol

Blame the 1st jedi that ever moaned and theres your culprit, they should have NEVER removed permadeath end of!

(runs and hides from the backlash)

I think Jedi should have stayed as permadeath or just been non existent.
PiKe said:
I've never played SWG but why don't SOE roll the patches back to when it used to be good? They're not blind, they can see that they've lost subscribers and that the population is rubbish.

Has there ever been an official word from SOE on this?

The problem wasnt that old SWG was bad or sucked, SOE sacked most of the orginal dev team, they were replaced with the left over EQ2 devs when it went live. So the new devs didnt didnt know the code of the game, so they build a " new and improved game " :(
I have to disagree, I thought that jedi added to the game in a big way, I enjoyed playing a mixture of crafter and my Jedi account, it isnt as if Jedi could not be killed in PVP, a Star Wars game with no jedi would not have worked.

At the end of the day the amount of professions SWG had made the game and also the community, the crafting system was amazing I managed to build myself up as one of the best Armorsmith's on my server, I had a shop a website everything a crafter could have wanted.
Goberpiles316 said:
I have to disagree, I thought that jedi added to the game in a big way, I enjoyed playing a mixture of crafter and my Jedi account, it isnt as if Jedi could not be killed in PVP, a Star Wars game with no jedi would not have worked.

I wasn't suggesting they get rid of Jedi. I meant that it would be better having no Jedi than having lots of Jedi which, lets face it is true.

Jedi should have been special, the idea of the game to me was that everyone was just a person. Just another Star Wars character that wasn't that important and went about their daily lives like any other. It REALLY annoyed me seeing people write huge biographies for their characters in their profile as if it was important or anyone cared. Sure, a bit of roleplaying now and again, but not everyone can be the most important person in the galaxy. This is where Jedi comes in, not everyone can be a Jedi, it's as simple as that. They needed to keep the numbers down but as we all know they made it easier to reach Jedi which increased the numbers. This wouldn't have been so bad had they kept permadeath and a really good bounty system, but they didn't and this is where it failed.

At this point they were making the game so much to do with your character and their own importance that it might aswell have been taken offline and just played on your own with the quests.
I think they should've made a prequel game based on the Clone Wars and use the NGE for that. The kids could've had their Jedi starting class and those who preferred the original trilogy could've had the pre-CU one with crafting etc.
afraser2k said:
I think they should've made a prequel game based on the Clone Wars and use the NGE for that. The kids could've had their Jedi starting class and those who preferred the original trilogy could've had the pre-CU one with crafting etc.

Now that is an idea that I like.
My biography was the only original one i ever saw.

I had a normal childhood and a normal life and joined the empire as soon as i could.


Everyone else seemed to be orphans, their parents killed by one side of the other! etc etc - BORING!

As for the jedi situation, it should have been totally random such as 1 out of every 20 characters would become a jedi when they hit 6 months old. Well, not become a jedi, but be contacted and told they had potential to be a jedi and would they be willing to leave their old life behind in search of their jedi training. Then they should have had access to a hidden planet (depending on you want to be a jedi or a sith) where jedi can get together, train, run missions etc. until you are ready to enter the rest of the galaxy.

would have been more realistic!
MNuTz said:

Yep and nearly all the biographies were written in awful AWFUL English.

I agree with your point about random Jedi picking, but there would have to be a way of acheiving Jedi status without being "chosen" so to speak. I'd have it so you'd need an incredibly high amount of play time and stats and have something extra built in to count contribution to player events, the GCW and other such enriching things. This would keep the Jedi count extremely low, as it should have been (And was until they borked it).
ahhh the good old days i keep thinking i want to go back to swg but i also keep thinking im gonna be terribly dissapointed, i had a master pikeman/beastmaster on eu chimera and my biography was cool :D cant rember it just know it was cool. I left not long after jump to light speed and a lot of the towns became deserted.
iJedi said:
i keep thinking i want to go back to swg but i also keep thinking im gonna be terribly dissapointed
I did this after the CU and was horribly disappointed, but after a awhile I got in to the new way of doing things, JUST in time for the NGE to hit. PERFECT.

iJedi said:
I left not long after jump to light speed and a lot of the towns became deserted.

I remember the time, wasn't very nice. Things did pick up though for a while although it'll never be the same as it used to be. The problem was actually that there were ALWAYS deserted towns, even at the height of the population. There needed to be some sort of a reason for going to the other towns instead of just EVERYONE piling in to Coronet and then Mining Outpost.
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