Good morning all,
I set up a DS918+ over the weekend and everything seems to be working fine apart from 1 thing.
When I boot any PC/laptop on my network when the synology device is in hibernation i am greeted with the Windows 10 message that it 'could not connect to all network drives' when I get to the desktop. I have the mapped network drive to sign in with different credentials and if I wait a moment or click on the mapped network drive in my computer it will come to life.
Is there anything I can do to set this up differently (apart from turning hibernation off and running the drives 24/7?) so that this error message won't appear?
I set up a DS918+ over the weekend and everything seems to be working fine apart from 1 thing.
When I boot any PC/laptop on my network when the synology device is in hibernation i am greeted with the Windows 10 message that it 'could not connect to all network drives' when I get to the desktop. I have the mapped network drive to sign in with different credentials and if I wait a moment or click on the mapped network drive in my computer it will come to life.
Is there anything I can do to set this up differently (apart from turning hibernation off and running the drives 24/7?) so that this error message won't appear?