Tabletop Warhammer?

Are they subscription only or did you pick these up in a shop? Been looking in supermarkets but can never find it.
I got mine in the local Warhammer shop, but I've heard of them being picked up in Asda and WH Smith. Might want to check if you have a local Forbidden Planet or Travelling Man.
Some bloke on Facebook in the Warhammer buy and sell page getting hammered as he's obviously bought a few of these and trying to send 5 sequitors for £15 :p
Managed to pickup two issue ones from Warhammer at cribbs causeway today. They said the first four you will be able to buy in shops, but the ones after are subscribed only.
Just started painting 40k again after 10 years, due to work I've been unable to paint until now.

I bought some W&N brushes but I'm not that impressed, seems I may have got a dud batch. Anyone swear by other brands? I keep hearing about broken road and opus Artis.
Just started painting 40k again after 10 years, due to work I've been unable to paint until now.

I bought some W&N brushes but I'm not that impressed, seems I may have got a dud batch. Anyone swear by other brands? I keep hearing about broken road and opus Artis.
Are they series 7 W&N brushes? Anything else is not as good, in my limited opinion. There's a web documentary on how Winsor and Newton brushes are made, it's incredible.

There are plenty of basic brushes which work just fine - even GW have some decent brushes - I'd just check them before I buy them! or are you just after premium brands?
Bough 2 issue 2s today. Looking yo get 2 issue 3s and then stop I think. Not actually that much in the magazine.

Speaking to the member of staff in Warhammer today they said that after issue 4 you can only get it subbed, but some retails may get the odd issue depending on its popularity. Warhammer stores will not get anymore as games workshop do not actually own the magazine itself. Also learnt that they are only allowed to sell 2 per customer now due to people buying so many issue 1s.
Just started painting 40k again after 10 years, due to work I've been unable to paint until now.

I bought some W&N brushes but I'm not that impressed, seems I may have got a dud batch. Anyone swear by other brands? I keep hearing about broken road and opus Artis.

I have two fairly expensive brushes for very fine detail, the rest are el cheapo. My goto brush used to be the Humbrol Coloro, sizes 2 and 4, but moved onto Royal and Langnickel Gold Taklon. The R&L go for £1.99 for three, they are great brushes and keep their tip very well.

I ended up buying two issue 1s and one issue 2, that will be it for me. Converted two of the Sequitors into Vanguard Hunters for my Warband, the Nighthaunt will all go into my army to boost it up to 1500 points.
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Morning all.

Im playing a 1250pt game tonight with my chaos space marines Vs adeptus mechanicus.

I've never played against them before and doing a bit of research I can find very little in there strengths and weaknesses. Can anyone offer any help?

Playing the dominate and destroy mission from ca2017. Here's the list I'm going with.

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [76 PL, 1,247pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Legion: Alpha Legion

+ HQ [11 PL, 162pts] +

Chaos Lord [5 PL, 74pts]: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, No Chaos Mark

Sorcerer [6 PL, 88pts]: Bolt pistol, Force stave [8pts], Infernal Gaze, Mark of Slaanesh, Prescience

+ Troops [10 PL, 157pts] +

Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 40pts]: No Chaos Mark
. 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun [36pts]
. Cultist Champion [4pts]: Autogun

Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 40pts]: No Chaos Mark
. 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun [36pts]
. Cultist Champion [4pts]: Autogun

Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 77pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. Aspiring Champion [22pts]: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasma [11pts]
. 3x Marine w/ Boltgun [33pts]
. Marine w/ Heavy or Special Weapon [22pts]: Plasma gun [11pts]

+ Elites [10 PL, 130pts] +

Chaos Terminators [10 PL, 130pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. Chaos Terminator Champion [26pts]: Chainaxe [1pts], Combi-bolter [2pts]
. Terminator [26pts]: Chainaxe [1pts], Combi-bolter [2pts]
. Terminator [26pts]: Chainaxe [1pts], Combi-bolter [2pts]
. Terminator [26pts]: Chainaxe [1pts], Combi-bolter [2pts]
. Terminator [26pts]: Chainaxe [1pts], Combi-bolter [2pts]

+ Fast Attack [4 PL, 84pts] +

Bikers [4 PL, 84pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. Biker [23pts]: Bolt pistol, Combi-bolter [2pts]
. Biker [23pts]: Bolt pistol, Combi-bolter [2pts]
. Biker Champion [38pts]: Combi-bolter [2pts], Combi-melta [15pts]

+ Heavy Support [41 PL, 714pts] +

Havocs [7 PL, 140pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. Aspiring Champion [14pts]: Boltgun, Chainsword
. 2x Havoc w/ autocannon [48pts]: 2x Autocannon [20pts]
. 2x Havoc w/ lascannon [78pts]: 2x Lascannon [50pts]

Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought [16 PL, 289pts]: 2x Butcher cannon array [80pts], 2x Hellflamer [34pts], No Chaos Mark

Obliterators [18 PL, 285pts]: Mark of Slaanesh, 3x Obliterator [18 PL, 285pts]

++ Total: [76 PL, 1,247pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (
Anyone able to pickup Issue 4 of Mortal Realms?

My local Warhammer has no delivery today, nor did the WH Smith. Is there an problem do we think?
My local Smiths had 4 in yesterday, maybe they've been a day late?

I'm just holding out for the issue 5's unique Stormcast.
Been a long time since I posted any of my work here, but you can follow me on Instagram if you're that way inclined! @WillsSayers





Still a work in progress obviously :) Master Lazarus of the Dark Angels, being painted for a friend in the 'States.
Thanks guys!

I’m much the same Bushmins - I’ve got a Blood Angels force, and three Age of Sigmar armies - Legions of Nagash, Maggotkin of Nurgle and Slaves to Darkness.... I’ve only ever played two games of Age of Sigmar, and never played any 40k :D
Theres a guy whom I watch on Youtube, you probably have heard of his channel, Tabletop Minions. I just found out he has an app thats all about advertising to people in your area that you play and want join up to play war games. I have not put anything on it yet but I could see it getting me matched up with someone, maybe not today or even the next six months. My only prequisits are that they would have to be or be tolerate of newbs and be age 25ish+. My local GW is a bit quiet but they have no problem setting up a game, but I'd rather do it with a few beers!
I took part in my first ever AoS tournament on 26th of Jan, before that I'd only ever had 2 intro games about 2 years prior, built and nearly painted 2K worth of IronJawz in 28 days, was insanely fun and a pretty decent turnout I think (28 people)
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