Tabletop Warhammer?

Despite being nowhere near finished on my Soul Wars models, I want both the new box sets - Lumineth and Indominus :(
I have my 1500 point 40k army, and I can't see it getting any bigger, so no Indominus for me. Almost decided on Lumineth now that I've seen some points and warscrolls, even if they were in German :D





Work in progress, I got three of the same marines, that I already painted, so I've got a metal look with Ultramarine colours. On the Sentinel I went for a ww2 style zimmerit (sp?) effect using some green stuff putty.
Does the standard of the painting tend to vary in the stores? Went by one today and whilst some of the models looked decent in the display, others not so much. I also forgot just how detailed and small the models actually are.
Does the standard of the painting tend to vary in the stores? Went by one today and whilst some of the models looked decent in the display, others not so much. I also forgot just how detailed and small the models actually are.

They sometimes feature players models in there.
2nd gen paints were white for paint, blue for a washes and red for a glazes. It's what I'm using currently although there a bit past it. Just need to find more time to put into it all. :)

To get back into painting I got the primaris libarian with phobos armour. Love the model, there's so much more character in all these new sculpts. It's not painted yet but I can't believe how large is is vs 2nd and 3rd edition marines.
Just bought a small starter set for my son, age 10.5 - the First Strike one. He really enjoyed playing with a craft knife to cut them out and fix them together. I'll pick up one of the starter paint sets they have for the Ultramarines or Death Guard so he can try that, since this trial has gone well.

I might see if I can pick up some old White Dwarfs from somewhere for him to flick through. I was given a couple of dozen of them at about his age, from the son of a work colleague of my mum's, and read them all cover to cover a few times (couldn't ever buy the miniatures until I was about 15, though, as they were too expensive, sadly)
Just bought a small starter set for my son, age 10.5 - the First Strike one. He really enjoyed playing with a craft knife to cut them out and fix them together. I'll pick up one of the starter paint sets they have for the Ultramarines or Death Guard so he can try that, since this trial has gone well.

I might see if I can pick up some old White Dwarfs from somewhere for him to flick through. I was given a couple of dozen of them at about his age, from the son of a work colleague of my mum's, and read them all cover to cover a few times (couldn't ever buy the miniatures until I was about 15, though, as they were too expensive, sadly)

I was just about to say Death Guard are a pretty good army (game wise) until I just remembered I know NOTHING about 9th edition..... :(

Still, they are a really cool interesting army to collect. But anything Choas.
So my Lumineth Realm-Lords are here, and I've made a good start painting them (considering how I use a lot of contrast paints as I have little time available).

They're amazing models. I've purchased some Green Stuff rolling pins for bases and made my first as a test, so four hours wait for it to dry. Fingers crossed they come out well!
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