Tabletop Warhammer?

Trying to lol that is a mission all on it self normally the paint end up like a glaze lol. The wet palette is helping with that.
Also my shades seems to leave a gritty dirty effect on the models

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I know a lot of guides suggest spraying Stormcast Eternal all gold but I did mine black. For me, there's more in the way of weapons, cloth, robes, packs, belts etc. that I figured it would be easier for me to achieve a good end result with a black primer and then painting the armour gold by itself. All the little nooks and crannies I inevitably miss through my poor technique are much less visible in black :p
Should see my palms /whistles

Found a newly opened games store not to far up the motorway from me so went to check it out. The guy running it seems pretty cool and helpfull ended up getting a few free models and a space marine to paint for a comp. Also picked myself up a unit of Stormcast Paladins.
There was a game of 40k going on and I was trying not to geek out after seeing all the figures and the table top!!

Need to get myself a table lamp that I can move about.
Not up to the standards of @vanpeebles latest post but pretty happy with my second Nighthaunt unit, 4 Grimghast Reapers.




These are definitely more forgiving to paint than the Stormcast are, little mistakes here and there not only don't stand out but even when they do, the models aren't meant to feel clean and tidy.
Awesome guys :)

Spent today tidying up my Stevie wonder job. Looks a good bit tidier than before!! Getting to a stage now I'm happy with blue robes but can't seem to get the talbarbs right but think it's serviceable. Just the finishing touches to do then I think I will attempt the gryphhound
Went out and bough the Ork Starter Kit at the weekend! What have I got myself in for!

Always wanted to do it, want to do something more creative rather than sitting and playing games!

Built the first few Boyz last night and started painting and damn the videos on youtube make it look easy haha! :D

Will post my awful results here once i've finished one!
Gearing up to play on table top simulator with an experienced friend on Friday, but still pretty lost how everything works to be honest!

Does anyone have a good place to start reading to get the basics down?

I played a quick game with him with one squad each and understand the very very basics, but wanting to delve deeper now :)
just missing the prime and trying to decide to use the starmace to complete the unit. The chainmail looks really good in hand but kinda looks crap in that picture!!!
yup could not help myself.

Also I hate the GW small layer brush. Recommended replacement?
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