Tai Brides

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Russian brides > Thai

Dont know anyone that has a paid for bride (though most women/gfs can count in this category :) ), but i wouldnt really care. If the guy likes the company and the women loves the lifestyle/money, then its win-win really. You shouldnt live your life worried what others think about you (and no, i dont have one myself)
Russian brides > Thai

Dont know anyone that has a paid for bride (though most women/gfs can count in this category :) ), but i wouldnt really care. If the guy likes the company and the women loves the lifestyle/money, then its win-win really. You shouldnt live your life worried what others think about you (and no, i dont have one myself)
It's not the right reasons to marry someone though is it.

It's going to be nothing more than a business transaction with her undoubtedly sending money home to her family.
Perhaps this maybe what the OP requires

Click here :D


Ahhhhhhhhhh Ladyboys
Won't get you anything, other than banned though, you don't have to click threads started by Sam do you? There's an ignore list for a reason.

OcUK is the same as it's always been, and I've been here a long time.

I'm usually a lurker but I would agree with tru, its a lot different than it use to be, people use to help out a lot more and it was a much more friendly place.
I don't know if this is to do with the average seeming to have dropped by a large margin.
Won't get you anything, other than banned though, you don't have to click threads started by Sam do you? There's an ignore list for a reason.

OcUK is the same as it's always been, and I've been here a long time.
I use the ignore list, probably more than most.

I've been here a while myself and I've watched the forums really go downhill, it's not even a cycle any more, the heart has been ripped out the community.

edit: anyway, this is off topic and I know the thought police will be hovering by now.
To be fair i dont mind the [am i attractive joke] looking back it was a stupid pathetic thread and i was asking for it.. in hindsight i discovered that "broadband" guy and i found out what happened to him i wasnt using the forums in that stage of my life.

But everything i now say on these forums has a stuipid attractive joke..

I ask questions about a new graphics card before i bought it and talk about movies on *** other forums and some halfwit feels the need to say it :rolleyes:
Forums heroes like Rich_L get banned yet this nimrod becomes a forum celebrity? Is this what OcUK has become?

Is it really that much different from, say, Matthew-1985 being a 'forum celebrity' a few years back?

edit: I'm not suggesting that he is any more or less of a 'nimrod' (whatever that is) than the OP, more the fact that his celebrity was built up largely based on a Gillian Anderson crush and that Picture thread.
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