Tate Brothers - Round 2

Unless the authorities are going to do anything this time, then all they are doing is legitimising their* conspiratorial position to their followers ffs.

*the Tateworms
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He was actually very fortunate to not to face a court case over this in the first place. There were multiple claims of rape from about 3 women. IIRC there was a witness to 1 rape. And there's loads of voice notes of him telling one of the girls how he 'loved raping her' and the more she hated it the more he loved it amongst other incriminating statements

I didn't google this, it came up under something I googled about WWE (weirdly)

Andrew Tate claimed during his most recent podcast episode via Rumble that WWE legend John Cena walking naked at the Oscars on Sunday night was a humiliation ritual.

"I want to make something clear: I was saying this morning about how John Cena was doing his humiliation ritual at the Oscars to satisfy his gay paymasters and some people were saying, 'Oh, maybe he is promoting his movie.'" Tate said. "I don't care what movie I make, you can not convince me to do that, you can not convince me to do something fruity or weird, it doesn't matter what movie I am in.

"I won't do it because my principles are too strong. So, to say he is only promoting a movie is still agreeing with me because you are saying he did it to promote his movie for money, because he sold his soul to his gay paymasters."

What a loon, it was a funny skit.
They aren't political figures.

E:Freak beat me

He comments on all sorts of political issues on shows like Piers Morgan, he has a large Twitter following where he comments on a large array of subjects. He's become an anti-establishment figure, so the establishment is using the tools they have at their disposal to attack him.

What a loon, it was a funny skit.

I mean sure, humiliating and emasculating men seems to be the current "goto" for humour these days. But then it shouldn't be a surprise that John Cena would happily go along with this, just keep that Hollywood $$$

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Paranoia - the unwarranted or delusional belief that one is being persecuted, harassed, or betrayed by others, occurring as part of a mental condition.
He comments on all sorts of political issues on shows like Piers Morgan, he has a large Twitter following where he comments on a large array of subjects. He's become an anti-establishment figure, so the establishment is using the tools they have at their disposal to attack him.

I mean sure, humiliating and emasculating men seems to be the current "goto" for humour these days. But then it shouldn't be a surprise that John Cena would happily go along with this, just keep that Hollywood $$$

I can't even bring myself to start dissecting this, can people really be this gullible and stupid?
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