Tattoo Thread. Post a picture!





i've never seen a tattoo at the top of someone's chest before.

at first I thought you were posting other peoples', as you had two of a back, then i realised it was the front :p
Depends on so many things, like where I get it done/the design I end up going for etc, but I reckon a few hundred quid.

a few hundy and the rest :) i have 2, smallish tbh one maybe 3x3 and the other 2x2 and in total theres 200 , 2 full jap sleeves id reckon near the 4k mark for a good job
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I know what you mean Ben i understand but I know what it means as well as everyone else's will have meaning for them i:e the one of my sons name is special because i don't see him anymore but i will always have the tattoo and memorys of him. Most of us are just sentimental buggers!!!!


few hours after having it done

might be hard to see but its a maltease(sp?) cross

the other half's

looking to get my next one done soon =] so getting some ideas :p plus it helps when your cousins wife is a tattooist :)
ive spent about 1k so far.

In all honest I have no idea what Japanese tattoo prices are like these days, but I was planning on allowing around £400, for my first then getting more if I can afford it.

I'm suprised yours were so expensive tbh. Did you get them done somewhere 'trendy' or something? :confused:

from someone good.

What do you coun't as 'someone good' though? I'm not planning on going anywhere well known.
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It's quite likely to be upwards of a grand for a full coverage full colour sleeve from someone good.

agreed. as said ive spent 1k so far it maybe a little more or a little less, and i have a lot of coverage to get done as well, im expecting at least another 1k-1k and a half.
In all honest I have no idea what Japanese tattoo prices are like these days, but I was planning on allowing around £400, for my first then getting more if I can afford it.

I'm suprised yours were so expensive tbh. Did you get them done somewhere 'trendy' or something? :confused:

i got them done from a good tattooist haha thats why!
In all honest I have no idea what Japanese tattoo prices are like these days, but I was planning on allowing around £400, for my first then getting more if I can afford it.

I'm suprised yours were so expensive tbh. Did you get them done somewhere 'trendy' or something? :confused:

£40 an hour is very cheap for custom work to a good standard. The average around here is about £60 an hour, I pay less because I tend to get my tattoos six hours at a time these days, so I get mate's rates.
you only pay once put it that way, so i wouldnt wanna skimp and get a crap tattoo, for the one i want next would require 3 sittings of 2 hours and is charging around 120 an hour :\ altho it is complete custom work
The Kraken/Octopus or whatever you would like to call it.

It has in its hand a Severed arm/hand and in the hand is a Frag Grenade with the pin pulled.

I'm in the sad position of having to wait for my eczema to clear up before I can get any of my planned ink done. I have the designs sorted though, the 1st one is on my upper left arm and is of a winged Demon that goes from my shoulder to elbow.
I'm in the sad position of having to wait for my eczema to clear up before I can get any of my planned ink done. I have the designs sorted though, the 1st one is on my upper left arm and is of a winged Demon that goes from my shoulder to elbow.

ive got exzema mate! quite bad too!
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