Well that is good if loopholes like that are a bit tighter now then. And I can well imagine that it can be far from black and white in some cases, particularly for big multinational groups - and that seems like a huge failing on the part of our leaders to me, and agree it's not really HMRC's fault. Their attitude to those that don't have expensive lawyers to defend them is their fault though.
I can well imagine that it would cost a huge amount to take every big company to court and it would take ages, but that doesn't mean they won't threaten the little guy with it! I know a couple of people who have had horrifically threatening letters from hmrc demanding X £s or else they'll be taken to court, on what turned out to be completely incorrect information. There's clearly a cultural problem at the very least of they think its acceptable just to threaten people out of nowhere based on completely false information.
That seems like a big problem to me, that big multinationals may get away with things because it's complicated, or it would be really expensive and time consuming to prosecute them, meanwhile an ordinary citizen or sole trader will get threatened with court at the first opportunity, regardless of whether there's any actual evidence of wrongdoing.