Teach a skill in 5 minutes

If something can be taught in five minutes, then it doesn't count as a skill :)

edit: Chocolate cake may well be the exception... Although learning how to make a GOOD 5-minute chocolate cake will take a few iterations, and therefore more than 5 minutes.
5 minutes?

I'd teach them how to change a wheel on a car (in theory). Everyone just EVERYONE should know this it's so easy yet some people call the bloody RAC to do it that costs if you're not a member £140 (thanks a lot Mrs Britboy4321!). There should be a compulsory part of getting your license or something. It's so easy. Yet I bet the RAC makes millions a year off dumb women not being able to do it and thinking it's in some way hard so not bothering to learn.

/sexist rant
^^^ CPR is a noteworthy skill to teach but i dont want to complicate matters. What i teach doesnt matter so much - they just need to see how i teach and if the subject i'm teaching is more complicated (could lead to complicated questions which i cant answer) then im buggered.

magic card trick - my manual dexterity sucks atm (1 injured hand)

wire a plug - too many props and everyone would need to be crowded round so they can see what your doing.

fillet salmon - +1 ingenuity points but - 3 gross factor points

How to tie cables and the t-shirt one look winners :D
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