Teamgroup 2600 c10 2 x 4gb issues

A-ha, a fellow sufferer! Misery loves company and so on ;). Id be interested to hear if you bought your kit from the same batch, mine were ordered on the 8th July.

Thanks for the assistance 8 Pack, its much appreciated. I was trying to get stock timings stable to be honest...that would do me just fine. Hell id settle for 2400mhz 9-11-11-28 but I cant get that either. I've tried up to 1.7vdimm near enough at both stock and the Xtreem 2400LV spd settings (same chips) and prime dumps within a few hours. I get odd hangs and pauses in use and the odd display driver recovery too, so its not just prime stability im lacking.

If I drop the timings to 11-13-13-35-1T I'm 100% stable at 2666mhz. I've dropped vdimm down to 1.63v now (1.62v errors, so that's the real minimum for the sticks at those timings). 1.61v is the minimum needed for 100% stable 11-13-13-35-1T 2600mhz. XMP timings at 2400mhz takes 1.58v (1.6v actual), this is kind of what I was aiming for at 2600mhz to be honest (1.60-1.65v listed as stock).

vccsa and vccio have been at stock the whole time, though I have tried up to 1.25v on both on occasion to try and force stability with XMP settings, but no joy.

The Raw Mhz profile (LB14) isn't stable for 10 mins at 2600mhz if you correct primaries to 10-12-12-31 with 1.65v. Testing at 1.675v now and its been going about 20 mins, I expect it to last around an hour if it falls in place with previous testing.

I'll get on to some single stick testing tomorrow night, and just on the off chance ill try the black dimm slots (though I know they're not as good).

I'd just like to do as much as I possibly can to be sure its the memory and not the IMC before I send it back. No sense in wasting ocuk's time and my money :)
Heres XMP timings on the Maximus 5 Formula:


CL 10 - TRP 12 - TRCD 12 - TRAS 31 - CMD 2T

TRRD 8 - TRFC 152 - TREFI 10360 - TWRT 10 - TRPT 10 - TFAW 24 - TWRD 10 - CKE 8 - TWCL 8


Lasts around 10 - 15mins on an 8k - 720k 7000mb blend.

Here's a stable 2600mhz:



Reduce any primaries and you get a prime thread or two drop, even if you use XMP second and thirds listed above.
Prime who care!! What about mem test?? rules out CPU overcock better to isolate problem.

On Z87 First go DRAM
10-12-12-31-1t 7-210-11000-12-8-30-8-7-9 then go 6-6-6-20-9-9-5-9-9 then 13 13 13 DRAM CLK period 14. Then tune from this. Much should tune!!!!
I have pages and pages of notes...the last half written in blood lol. Just cannot get those 3 primary timings down to stock.

As an aside should I be raising vccsa or vccio if im pushing past 1.65v? Don't want to damage the cpu.
Quick CPU is at stock for all those tests :). Left it at the offset +0.030 that I need for 4.6 (bad core) and dropped multi to 39x, so its actually overvolted.
If your sticks act like mine then 11-12-12 at those timings will drop just as fast, 11-13-12 will last an hour or two and 11-13-13 would be stable...
Try downloading cpu tweaker this lets you alter timings on the fly.
Or memtweakit this one is better but does not work with all boards.
These are great programes to aid tunning your Ram and saves you listing numbers by hand.

Some screens of mine, this is just showing you the program, do NOT use the timings!

Guys I will test those sticks as priority tomorrow morning and feedback in teh boards your using. When I last tried mine on Z77 they where 2700+ easy so I am not sure whats going on.

I will try getting a random set from stock to see also. The 11-13-13- Timings your saying are stable at 2666 are Hynix IC settings usually at that speed. With 10-12-12 being Samsung.

These sticks for me are good sticks and always my go to kit on X79.
Yeah the sticks themselves should be much better than we are seeing, I know theres no compatibility issue with my board as many over at XS are using exactly the same combo as me (that's why I picked this kit specifically). I went for a Samsung kit over Hynix as I was more concerned with latency than raw MHz given I didn't know my IMC limits.

I think its more likely you have a bad batch (or at least a couple of bad kits that myself and James have been unlucky enough to get). Regardless, I'll hold off on sending my kit back until after the weekend so I can say I've covered everything I can test before sending them back.

Thanks for looking into it, really appreciate an experienced opinion :).
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Thanks 8 pack. As mrpils did, I also tried 2400 cl9 and no luck.

If I can't get them stable ill send them back because I really need a kit for the second pc. And th Samsung green from the main pc was to go into it. But I'll need the Samsung to use in the main pc.

@stulid, thanks for the offer man, but I'll need to resolve this quickly and either get a replacement or refund so I can get a new kit :(
I seem to have had some success...

First I tested the sticks individually in red slot 1 - as expected they seemed to run fine. I then did the same in red slot 2...and one failed prime within 5 mins.

I have now swapped the sticks round and am running dual channel again - stick 2 is now in slot 1 and vice versa. So far its done 2 hours blend at xmp/auto, LB 14, CLK 14 whereas before it would fail within minutes. That's with cpu @ 39x and +0.030v, 1.65vddr, 1.1vccsa, 1.2vccio, 1.2 2nd vccio and all other voltages auto.

I'll leave it running and see if it fails by tomorrow night. A ray of hope at last though! :)

Probably worth trying this yourself James...
no way. i had almost the same results.. one slot was weird with this ram. and one seemed ok..

all slots are fine with my samsung green so i dont think its the motherboard.

again it was slot 1 bank 1 which seemed better than slot 2 bank 1.

very weird.

What is your tRDRD at btw? If its above 4 you are sacrificing about 8gb/s in read performance according to aida64...
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tRDRD 4 is very tight at DDR2600+ Go 6-6-6 top settings first. I will test this tomorrow anyway and report back. I cant see em being too hard to get stable.

DDR2600 is a lot harder on IMC than Samsung Greens at say 2400. Remember Haswell has strong IMC yes but moving up bandwidth does create extra heat. Z77 and Z87 I will test tomorrow.
Don't get me wrong, it's not stable at 4 or 5 or 6

But I'll probably return these if I can't eventually get it to 4 because like I said, it's a huge read speed difference :)

Cheers bud
Just for this test (3 hours now and still going strong, I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much!) its all at auto...if its stable then I'll re-run with my previous 2nd and 3rd timings from the stable 11/13/13/35 run and see what happens. Trrd was at 4 then, trrd 3 would pass 32m but not hyperpi or prime.
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