Yeah that's the plan, I've had enough time to think about what interests me as previously I had no idea what I wanted a career in. Hopefully the course gives me a good base to push on from and in the future I could consider MSc once I'd been in the industry for a few years.
Depends on the MSc, for some it might not be suitable... I mean if you were to do something that just required a quantitative undergrad along the lines of Maths, Physics, Engineering, Computer science then you'd probably not fit the requirements. Then again you can always study for things like say a graduate certificate in mathematics from the University of London if you end up wanting to study some post grad area requiring it.
There are of course some MSc courses that won't require that sort of thing and perhaps focus more on very applied subjects/professional skills etc.. for which your undergrad + work experience would be a good fit.
edit (typed 'masters' when I meant to type 'undergrad')
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