Teen Transexual on C4

I thought the programme was very interesting and really helped me understand why people want to go through a sex change op.

What a lot of people don't understand that nearly all medical professionals agree that these people truly are born the wrong sex. It is considered a physiological problem not a psychological problem, and there is evidence for this.
Psyk said:
What a lot of people don't understand that nearly all medical professionals agree that these people truly are born the wrong sex. It is considered a physiological problem not a psychological problem, and there is evidence for this.

I'm not convinced. They were born with those genitals therefore they are male/female. It's pretty fundamental. She was screwed up if you ask me, definately not stable. But then they hold everyone to random don't they; 'give me the operation or I'll kill myself'.
trojan698 said:
I'm not convinced. They were born with those genitals therefore they are male/female. It's pretty fundamental. She was screwed up if you ask me, definately not stable. But then they hold everyone to random don't they; 'give me the operation or I'll kill myself'.
But you aren't a medical professional. It isn't as simple as that. There is a distinction between gender (whether the mind is male or female) and sex (whether the body has a penis or a vagina). Obviously people are meant to be male in both, or female in both. But sometimes it goes wrong and there's a mismatch.

Of course it could all be complete BS, but I find it hard to believe that so many doctors would agree if it were.
jdickerson said:
For exmaple with the whole "I don't want a breast op if I can only have an A cup..."... reminds me of Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate factory: "I want it now!".
Tbh, if i was going to spend 6.5k on it, i'd expect it to be exactly how i wanted it.

(edit: TOTPD!
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trojan698 said:
I'm not convinced. They were born with those genitals therefore they are male/female. It's pretty fundamental. She was screwed up if you ask me, definately not stable. But then they hold everyone to random don't they; 'give me the operation or I'll kill myself'.

It's a lot more complicated than that. There are certain tests that can be done to determine a persons mental gender. Usually based on spacial engineering, something male minds are better at than female minds. These tests have confirmed transsexuals mental orientations.
I still don't think we should be playing god by performing these operations. I'm not religious. I just don't agree with removing someones genitalia.
trojan698 said:
I still don't think we should be playing god by performing these operations. I'm not religious. I just don't agree with removing someones genitalia.
I see it more as correcting nature's mistakes.
Jumpingmedic said:
It's a lot more complicated than that. There are certain tests that can be done to determine a persons mental gender. Usually based on spacial engineering, something male minds are better at than female minds. These tests have confirmed transsexuals mental orientations.

That is hilarious, even if there is any truth in it. Your mental ability regarding spacial engineering Vs having a penis.

Docs conclusion: Nope this person with a 8 inch schlong is most definitely a girl as 'she' is rubbish at spacial engineering. :D
Jambo said:
That is hilarious, even if there is any truth in it. Your mental ability regarding spacial engineering Vs having a penis.

Docs conclusion: Nope this person with a 8 inch schlong is most definitely a girl as 'she' is rubbish at spacial engineering. :D

Your attitude towards this just abouts sums up the average male ignorance towards the issue. People suffering from gender disphoria have a treatable medical condition, but because it involves sexuality (specifically masculinity) it is rubbished and mocked.

Do us all a favour and quiet down until you've got your M.D.
mosfet said:
Your attitude towards this just abouts sums up the average male ignorance towards the issue. People suffering from gender disphoria have a treatable medical condition, but because it involves sexuality (specifically masculinity) it is rubbished and mocked.

Do us all a favour and quiet down until you've got your M.D.

Mosfet, you can hardly sum up my attitude because I found something funny. That doesn't mean I am ignorant. I did not say that a psychological condition does not exist but it is a lot more complex than spacial engineering tests.

Jumpingmedics post made it seem like if someone was rubbish at spacial engineering that confirmed you were of mental female gender. I was simply pointing out that I found that post (as it stood) funny. I was not rubbishing or mocking the whole issue of gender disphoria.

Edit: And I was not mocking jumpingmedics post, I know what he was saying. I was just laughing at my interpretation of it.
Psyk said:
I see it more as correcting nature's mistakes.

That's an arrogant perspective. Who are we to correct natures mistakes? And are we, in fact, correcting them? These transexuals can't reproduce after the surgery. All we're doing is making their body image more acceptable to their wrongly conditioned minds.
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trojan698 said:
All we're doing is making their body image more acceptable to their wrongly conditioned minds.
Or are we making theire wrongly formed bodies more acceptable to their correctly functioning minds?

The way I see it, our minds define who we are. Our bodies are tools of that mind.

Maybe it is slightly arrogant, but there are lots of cases where people are born 'wrong'. Are you saying we shouldn't fix any of those problems?
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