I do apologise if I came on you a bit hard, but while you might not notice, on this forum lots of ATI fanboys like to trash Nvidia every chance they get, so instead of thinking I'm oversensitive, it might do you well to make your post as neutrally worded as possible and don't give them the chance/excuse to troll.
Wow, stop sounding so butthurt. Even if people are "trashing" nVidia, it doesn't make your cards suddenly crap does it? I seem to recall you being quite happy to do the same about ATi. Just, for a moment, compare the type of "bashing" you get from "either side". From the nVidia boys it's generally "nVidia is the best, I love nVidia so much, they never have any problems, their drivers just work and they're great, ATi sucks and their drivers don't work, ever, under any circumstances, PhysX is amazing, it's so realistic, I love 3D because it's nVidia, and if you don't like 3D it's because you're against nVidia, CUDA is amazing too, even though I don't quite get what it's for".
When you get people trashing nVidia, you
never see them saying "I love ATi so much, they're so great and amazing, nVidia suck, their cards are crap and their software is rubbish". What you
do see is people making fun of the nVidia boys who go on about how much they love nVidia, or how nVidia "Just works", or how they don't like nVidia as a company for the various dodgy things they've been involved with, and or treating their customers like idiots.
And if you think I'm over-exaggerating, it was only the other day that I saw some one going on about how much they love nVidia and how nVidia "just works". So yeah, in basic terms, when a large group of people go on about things that simply aren't true, it's to be expected that they'll be made fun of. I find the ATi bashing tiresome because it's always the same "drivers don't work, ever", "inconsistent frame rates", "vague statement of how much better nVidia is that doesn't make any sense which makes any one with an ATi card a troll".
When nVidia stop being sneaky, and rethink their ways (constantly massive GPUs and really high prices) I'd consider them again, but conveniently enough for me, ATi have had them on value for money for a good few years now.