As an owner of 2x460's, I must say some of you are being very...........Dramatic.
Can't say I've noticed it at all.......
Used plenty of ATI crossfire setups, plus SLI GTX 460s now, I have NEVER seen any kind of microstutter that the anti - SLI / Crossfire crowd keep complaining about, when they themselves have never even used such a setup (at an appropriate resolution, not 4000x1000 or whatever on two 1 Gb 460s!).
In total, I've used:
SLI 6800s
Crossfire 3850
Crossfire 4850
Crossfire 4870
Crossfire 5770
From the 3850s onwards I've had a 1920x1200 monitor, and I have played every single game fully maxed out with at least 4x AA and 16x AF.
I have never once seen any microstutter. I have perfect colour vision, and dont need glasses, and I have never seen anything wrong in any of these setups.
I'm currently enjoying playing everything and anything maxed out with 8x transparent AA with absolutely no lag or slowdown whatsoever. Everything is silky smooth, though I'm currently only playing Dragon Age and Worms Reloaded.
The point as I have already said before is because it is noticeable EVEN at 60FPS
No, you are completely wrong and lying. No it isnt noticable at 60 FPS. I have turned Vsync on LOTs of times which sets my max FPS to 60, and I NEVER see any microstutter, neither does anyone else who is using an SLI GTX 460 setup. No one using this setup or an earlier crossfire / SLI one on a normal 1080p monitor have ever noticed microstutter in any of their games.
If you are running a triple monitor setup and expect silky smooth framerates, then you need to have a pair of
*2 Gb* 5870s anyway.
Thats probably another reason why there was lag in the video in the OP, NOT ENOUGH VIDEO RAM on the GTX 460s for the resolution you were using them at.