Terminator: Dark Fate

It's not about sharing my opinion. Don't be such a try hard...
try and explain yourself then. people express an opinion cos they don't like various aspects that they detailed in the post, and you spout some petulant "they're only complaining cos it's cool" barb ~ and you call me a "try hard"?
try and explain yourself then. people express an opinion cos they don't like various aspects that they detailed in the post, and you spout some petulant "they're only complaining cos it's cool" barb ~ and you call me a "try hard"?

Read the posts prior to mine and maybe you'll get it. If you're as smart as you obviously think you are, I shouldn't have to explain it.
What are these detailed various aspects that people don't like? There's nothing to go on, other than 'the other sequels were crap, so this will be too.'

In case you haven't noticed over the past few years, it's pretty much the done thing to try and find fault in everything, as well as make assumptions about how crap things will be with literally nothing to go on.
Read the posts prior to mine and maybe you'll get it. If you're as smart as you obviously think you are, I shouldn't have to explain it.
What are these detailed various aspects that people don't like? There's nothing to go on, other than 'the other sequels were crap, so this will be too.'

In case you haven't noticed over the past few years, it's pretty much the done thing to try and find fault in everything, as well as make assumptions about how crap things will be with literally nothing to go on.
lol, hte petulant snipes continue after i simply ask you to justify yourself. so yeah, don'y bother explaining, just go and clean your nappy out and wait excitedly for the new film.
It's not my fault if you can't understand anything. But please carry on playing the victim.
Check your own posts before you cry about other people's 'petulant snipes'.
I actually really liked Salvation.

I thought Salvation was OK. It could have been a much better film though had it been made by a director who can direct, rather than some guy whose name suggests he might be a rapper. Not casting Christian 'shouty voice' Bale and not stupidly giving such a big reveal away in the trailers, would also have helped. Still, it was better than 3, which was too comedic in parts and generally not very good except for the fire truck/crane chase sequence; which was very well done. Genisys, was just plain awful on all levels.

I'd like Cameron to revisit what 'guy with a rapper's name' already attempted with Salvation. I don't want to see any convoluted time line changing nonsense (Genisys), and I'd rather not see yet more terminators sent back to kill Sarah or John for the umpteenth time. 3 films which show what happens after judgement day and the coming war with the machines, except done well.
Salvation was cack as the t800 had about 4 occasions where John Connor was in its hands only to prefer to lob him around instead of pulling his head out of his arse, it's whole mission is to take him out so it just came off as stupid that it would prefer to throw him around. The t600 earlier in the film had grabbed him twice, yet again just decided to throw him around. The other issue with that movie was the extreme lack of any actual terminators, i think at most there were about 2 of the human styled robots on screen at once and that was only when the t800 destroyed the malfunctioning t600. For a future to be ruled by robots there sure as hell wasn't many of them around. The cg was pretty good, especially on the robot t800 when it had its skin blasted off, overall though it felt like a very empty movie with not a whole lot going on.

The whole skynet plan in Salvation was to get Marcus to lure Connor into the skynet base, yet only a few hours after Marcus is activated a T600 tries to kill him, with the worlds most inaccurate minigun it has to be said. And when Connor finally gets to a skynet robot creation base he has to contend with.....a single t800 and that's it. Didn't help matters you seen a lot of endoskeletons basically on racks, yet for some reason in skynets grand plan only 1 was activated, and this comes after the skynet ai admitted they had failed to kill Connor numerous times. derp

A movie set in the future war is what people want though, instead of this convoluted "remake t2" thing that seems to be what t3 and genisys were based on. Funny thing is the movie makers are aware of people wanting this which is apparently one of the reasons genisys had a chunk being set in the future war before going back to a variation of T2. Apparently setting the entire movie in the future war as depicted in the flashbacks is something they're not comfortable doing.
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Don't know how I feel about this one, getting the same vibe as I got from Alien Covenant in that it's time to let this thing die. T1 & T2 had a perfect story arc wrapping everything up nicely, T3 then came along and ignored the rules set in T2. The whole 'There is no fate but what we make for ourselves' got thrown out of the window in place of 'Sorry, **** is happening no matter what you do'.

The tone of that movie is just confusing in parts and it tries (and fails mostly) to copy some of the things that made T2 great too much. There's some decent action sequences, the ending was actually pretty good, but it doesn't really know what it wants to be. To me that's where the series truly ended, Salvation and Genisys just became increasingly more absurd with glaring plot holes. The concept for both of those movies was good, but they were just executed so poorly, shame as there's a lot of attention to detail in Genisys, it just goes off the rails very quickly.

I find it a little insulting to the viewer that we are expected to accept a new alternate timeline, after already having it screwed up and broken over the course of three films. Don't get me wrong I love the franchise and the whole world it created, but I don't think Cameron can pull this off.
Don't know how I feel about this one, getting the same vibe as I got from Alien Covenant in that it's time to let this thing die. T1 & T2 had a perfect story arc wrapping everything up nicely, T3 then came along and ignored the rules set in T2. The whole 'There is no fate but what we make for ourselves' got thrown out of the window in place of 'Sorry, **** is happening no matter what you do'..

Problem there is the rules from T1 were **** on by T2. A liquid metal terminator shouldn't have been able to time travel as it wasn't encased in living tissue. They could have got around that by having it emerge from a type of skin cocoon or something. But obviously that didn't happen. If they had went with a cocoon idea then that opens another question as to why not put advanced weapons inside it and send them as well.

That's what happens when they establish rules in a movie, at some point they write themselves into a corner and if they don't have some elaborate way of writing around the issue they just ignore what they put in place.
lol, hte petulant snipes continue after i simply ask you to justify yourself. so yeah, don'y bother explaining, just go and clean your nappy out and wait excitedly for the new film.
I think you're confusing "I don't like" with "petulant."

They don't mean the same thing, no matter how hard you try.
All three after two were disappointing in perticular genisys was out right *****.

I think he could pull it off but would need to make it clear it ignores the other three as I can't see it getting hype it would have due to how poor the others have been.
I love T1 and T2. Adored them. But it all went rapidly downhill father that. I think this is one is a case of waiting for reviews before going to see it at the cinema.
After being stung so badly by the "original Director comes back to save the franchise but turns out to be crap" fiasco of Prometheus/Covenant I'm not holding my breath for this Cameron attempt to be honest as I genuinely can't bare to see another one of my favourite film sagas potentially destroyed by the original director.

Terminator/Aliens/Predator are all action movie "universes" I really bought into a youth and all 3 have been desecrated by cheap uncaring cash-grab "lets make a quick third film" studios which crap on the ethos/rules set by the great originals and have all rightly been hated.
I actually didn’t mind the last one. Just like most films that have multiple sequels I will watch and reserve judgement until the credits role at the end
There's too much baggage to do anything new with the franchise.
Pretty much everything they do will be a homage/rip off of T1 or t2.
Of course I hope it turns out fantastic but time will tell.
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