Test Drive Unlimited 360 News

Oh a new demo! and by sheer co-incidence I called in sick today thanks to a stomach 'bug' :)
Half day at work finished at 11am :D and downloading this now. One or two peeps on the uk xbox.com forums who have downloaded it have said they feel its improved on the early demo back a few months ago with v-sync now being enabled(no tearing) and it running at a silky smooth 30fps and generally looking a lot better etc. Sounds promising..wish my download would go quicker lol :mad:
Well I just played it. It looks nice and plays well but I cant help feeling that the cars handle a bit poor. The Ferrari handled like a Land Rover at 90MPH :p

Will have to play a bit more and see what I think, either way it looks like a good game which may require some getting used to.

Although it might just be my rubbish driving skils. ;)
I actually ended up quite liking the handling after playing the first demo, so if its even improved only slightly I will be happy.
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