Test Drive Unlimited 360 News

Homer-Simpson said:
Can you add me to the club list please :)

I have been watching this game for ages and really cannot wait for it to come out.

Also if you order it from a certain place you get a code to download the Lamborghini Gallardo Coupe :cool:

Indeed you do but i will sell mine on the online market / offline if find one due to will make the game easier with that car. :)

Like to start it at the very beginning and work my way up and ill add you to the list now. :)
Nice one guys thanks for info ddint know about them packages but look sweet.

Ye i had a try on the Video Da Mic but didnt come out so good Paul (Snipergecko) made a good one though.
Here pic of list.

SiD the Turtle said:
I can see Atari has their eye on this being a BIG money spinner. I am worried that the game will come with nothing but a Ford Cortina and you will be forced for fork in real cash out for the good cars

There a pretty good launch of cars also got these downloadables but havnt been confirmed if will have to pay or there be free hopefully free.

But im not really fussed either way i paid for PGR 3 stuff depends if you really that interested or not. :)
Coln said:
Add me to the list as well please:-

Gametag = XRT


Done we have these so far 32/32 no space left im afraid. :(

SiD the Turtle
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da_mic_1530 said:
am i just imagining it or can you race people and the winner gets both cars, if so couldnt you end up losing the car you bought of the marketplace?

Yep you can put cars on the line athlough im not sure how in depth this goes ie 2 cars etc like you say. :)

this article explains abit more in depth. :)

lordrobs said:
I think I'll wait and see how the whole car purchasing thing works.

If you download the packs for free which then allows the cars to be bought in game (with in game money) then thats cool....

... however if how big your ingame garage is, is determined by how many M$ points your willing to pump into it then it makes the whole thing a bit of a farce and I think I'd rather give it a miss :(

90 cars from start 64 houses 1000km of road 1 hour to drive the coast in real time 16 hours cover whole map roughly @ 60mph come on if you love car games this is sweet. :cool:

Challenges cruising around with OCUK group the fun is going to be great and feel some right laughs coming. :D

Put your pre order down and Welcome to Oahu ;)
cheets64 said:
Also whats this Ocuk group thing, is there another one being made.

There 2 groups of 16 due to 360 limitations however your be only allowed to see the closest 7 to you so means will need to split into groups of 8 if we are all on. :)

You can do all sorts of challenges or just cruise around with each other i think ill give people a few days with the game then will get the group rolling. :)

Edit: There is space for one more person actually if want to join. :)
Nice one Mclaren wins hands down performance wise looks i prefer gallardo but Mclaren smart. :)

But anyway the servers will hold 60,000 people which will be further upgraded to 120,000. If you read this article will tell you more about the online this game also has offline and what you do online will be carried to offline and vice versa. :)

Obviously with the online you will see other cars driving around you can set filters to friends, fast cars slow etc, Opponent Skill, there many different parameters.

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I found out today the Island actually has a race track and its up near the airport oh and also the airport fully working and planes land and take off. :)

This guy is a magazine reviewer and asked him about what the race track has.

Quaid66 said:
From memory, one long straight (with a slight kink), shorter back straight, some nice twisty bits. Not bad, but it won't set the world on fire.
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