7.50 and get the unlimited text bolt on,
I found i was txting more on the iphone than ever!
4.5k txts a month i'm sending atm. Best 7.50 i've ever spent![]()
I too find this app essential! But I don't think you can turn a counter on
How do you get this? I phoned up and asked and they claimed they do not do it anymore. I've sending sometimes over twice my 500 limit my bills are getting rather big, you are right on the iPhone texting is soo easy one txt message may actually be the length of three.
I'm doing the same I think, this month I'm going to go double over I think, especially when u are used to having it unlited and changing seems to be a tough switch
I don't know if it helps you at all, but they did tell me about a friend and fmily bolt on you can get that costs 7.50 and I think you get to add 10 numbers and you get unlimited texts to them, however they have to be on o2 which was no good for me as everyone seems to be on othr networks
There is a way you can get the 'character counts' on SMS but you have to jailbreak the phone. I'm sorry ; I can't talk about it on here.![]()
Sorry guys a lot of you seem to have misunderstood
I know I can find out how many texts I have sent from my monthly allowance, that's not the problem
the problem is, previously having unlimitd texts I had need worry whether the texts I was sending were 1 text long, or 15 minutes long, now however being limited by 500 what I wanted was a counter so that as I was typing a text it told me whether the text I was gonna send had gone over the 160 characters and was gonna cost another text...cause if I was say 2 characters over I'd drop in some slang and save myself the extra text!
Also, I would pay for the unlimited text option with o2 happily, but they don't have that option for this iPhone, which is so annoying!
I can't believe there isn't a character counter.. I have submitted it as a feature to Apple.
The link is here for those who wish to also do the same![]()