Textiles for the taller gentleman

Finally picked myself up a set of these Furygans today. Got a few quid knocked off, cheaper than buying online. (If you don't ask..!)

They sure are warm. With this mild weather they're a bit overkill with the thermal lining, certainly won't complain when the frost kicks in, which won't be long no doubt.

I asked them about the Knox Zero 2 gloves, they still not had any in yet!
God yeah, with the liner in I'd be boiling! I took it out the day I got them and haven't used it yet, been toasty warm even after an hour or so on the motorway, and the mornings which are too chilly in my kevlar jeans are nice and warm in the Dukes. It has highlighted how cold my el'cheapo textile jacket is, even with the thermal lining in. I reckon I'll get a Titan jacket after payday, especially as it's now dark when I ride home from work :(

And I've given up on the zero2's, they just don't fit (see the other thread) so I'll be getting some muffs when it turns colder/I know what bike I'm getting.
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